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Arrival, Dismissal, and Riding the Bus

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1 Arrival, Dismissal, and Riding the Bus

2 How does WMS make sure that students make it to school safely?
The district provides transportation to and from school. West Middle School has procedures in place for the arrival and dismissal of students.

3 Arrival Enter the building at 7:50 and go to your locker, then your first block class. If you are eating breakfast, remain in the café. Remember to turn in your lunch money before you leave the café!

4 Dismissal Procedure 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade
Go to your locker after AE to gather your homework and backpack. Dismiss at 3:07 7th grade Take backpacks and all homework with you to AE class. 8th grade Dismiss at 3:10

5 Bus Procedure Go directly to YOUR bus.
Move quickly, as your bus driver will be waiting for you so that you and your classmates can get home quickly. Remember that appropriate bus behavior is very similar to classroom appropriate behavior.

6 Bus Matrix Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Be Positive
Be SMART when given reasonable requests Keep track of your belongings Remain seated when bus is moving Settle problems with words KHFAAOOTY Wait patiently at bus stop Use a Level 1 voice Report problems you cannot resolve

7 Senarios Are the following students following the Wildcat Ways for arrival, dismissal, and riding the bus? Get out a piece of paper and fold it into 4’s. Number each grid (1-8). Write whether the scenario meets the arrival, dismissal or bus expectation (yes or no) If the answer is no, explain on your paper how to fix the behavior.

8 Senarios Joe misses the bus and his mom drives him to school. He arrives at 8:15 and comes straight to class without going to his locker first. Jose gets off the bus and stays in the café to eat breakfast. After he is finished he throws away his trash and goes to his locker and 1st block class.

9 Senarios 3. Sara, a 7th grade student, goes to her locker and puts her stuff away and then goes downstairs to turn in her lunch money. 4. Matt decides that a younger student is sitting in his seat on the bus. He threatens the younger student, saying “If you don’t get out of my seat, I’ll punch you.”

10 Scenarios 5. Instead of riding the bus home, Hannah and Jackie decide to walk down to the Mills and shop, then ride the activity bus home. 6. At dismissal, students stop to wait for their friends outside of the café doors, causing buses to leave late, and blocking other students from getting to their bus quickly.

11 Scenarios 7. Jill and Elaine, 7th grade students, leave their AE class and quickly get on their buses. 8. As the bus is leaving, some students are yelling and throwing trash out the bus windows.

12 Tardiness School starts at 8:10 A.M.
If you aren’t in the classroom by the time the second bell rings, please check in at the grade level office before coming to class. If you are tardy three times, you have earned an afterschool detention, Saturday detention or day in ICE.

13 School Community Our school is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our school rules are: Be respectful and responsible. Be positive and safe.

14 October Referral Free Incentive
November 11th After-School All Students who have no referrals in October may attend Dance, Music, Games, Food & Fun We Hope To See YOU There!

15 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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