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MTPD Technology Overview

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1 MTPD Technology Overview
GetCare TCARE Welcome to the MTPD Technology Overview. This course is one course in a series of courses designed to provide high level over of the technology involved in the MTPD initiative. These courses were specifically designed for Snohomish County Long Term Care and Aging MAC and TSOA case manager contractor. BarCode ACES

2 TCARE Assessment This specific course is about the TCARE technology and we are going to look specifically at the Assessment.

3 TCARE Screening Assessment Creating the Assessment
Inputting the Assessment Responses Completing the Assessment Caregiver ID Page Lets look at the Learning Objectives for the TCARE Assessment Course. First we will start by looking at the Assessment. We are going to look at Creating the Assessment, Inputting the Assessment Responses, and then Completing the Assessment. And next we will return to the Caregiver ID Page and look at changing the step.

4 Assessment Creating the Assessment
First perform a Caregiver search, highlight the Caregiver and select Edit in Tree. Ensure the Caregiver’s name appears in the Tree to the left of the screen. Go to Action menu and select Create Assessment. Lets get started. Lets look at how to create an assessment. First of course the worker will do a caregiver search and highlight the Caregiver in the tree. You will have to have the caregivers name at the top of the tree. Then you will go to the top of the page and select Action once you have selected action you will have drop down results and you will want to select Create Assessment from the menu. Once you have made this selection the pending assessment will be displayed in the tree and available for completion. The Pending Assessment will be displayed in the Tree and available for completion.

5 Assessment Creating the Assessment
Notice the first six categories in the Assessment are actually the Screening categories. Please note as we pointed out in the screening training the first six categories in the assessment and screen are exactly the same so when you are completing an assessment you are actually recreating a screen and then some additional categories. But each six months the entire screen is done either on its own or with in the assessment.

6 Assessment Inputting the Assessment Responses
Click on the “+” the expand the Pending Screening. The yellow triangles mean the screen is not finished. As you complete each screen, the yellow triangle will turn into a green diamond. Now that you have had the pending assessment in the tree you will want to click on the pending assessment. Then you will click on the plus sign (+) on the left of the diamond in the case it is a minus (-) because the assessment is open. Once it is open you will have a variety of areas and inside each of those areas as you click through will be the questions from the assessment to fill out. The assessment triangles are mostly yellow thosea are the unfilled out areas of this particular assessment that I am actually working on and the ones that are completed are the green diamond.

7 Assessment Completing the Screen
All fields with * asterisks are required. Select Action and click on Complete Screening/Assessment Lets look at completing the assessment again you will have the screen so you will have the pending screening. Remember that on that screen there are mandatory fields and those are indicated with and asterisks (*) you need to make sure that those are completed. When you have completed all the areas of the assessment you will want to select action. Once you have completed the assessment all the triangles will turn to green diamonds. Once you have completed everything you will go up to the top of the headers and select action again and then you will click complete Screening/Assessment. The TCARE assessment does logic behind it so if you have made an error and not completed a question or you have left out some type of detail the technology will point you where you are missing information and send you back to that area to complete it.

8 Assessment Completing the Screen
Select Action and click on Complete Screening/Assessment When you have completed all the screen responses, the triangles will change to green. Select Pending Screening, it will highlight. Here is a screen shot of all the sections in the assessment being completed. Here you see that they are all green and you can select the complete screening/assessment.

9 Assessment Completing the Assessment
When the screen has been inputted and all of the triangles are green, click on the Action header and select Complete Screening/Assessment

10 Caregiver ID Page Click on the clients name in the left hand column and then go to the drop down for Caregiver FCSP Step and Choose Step 3 Now at this point if you have completed the assessment and you did have any errors and everything has turned to green and has stayed green and you have got no error message. Then I invite the learner to take the following step. Please return to the caregiver ID page which is by clicking on the caregivers name. You will want to return to this page because when we are at this point before you have completed the assessment and before you completed a screen the step is indicated and it is usually step 1 if you have completed the screen you will of course be able to change it to step 2. But once you have completed the assessment you will want to make sure that this step indicates step 3. Because they can receive FCSP step 3 services. But for the MAC and TSOA Casemangement they now can receive step 3 services on MAC and TSOA and that needs to be indicated on this page.

11 Caregiver ID Page Click on the clients name in the left hand column and then go to the drop down for Caregiver FCSP Step and Choose Step 3 You can see here the change was made.

12 MAC and TSOA Case Management Reference Guide
Assessment Review MAC and TSOA Case Management Reference Guide Assessment Creating the Assessment Inputting the Assessment Responses Completing the Assessment Caregiver ID Page Ok lets do a quick review of the Assessment online course. We looked at how to Create an Assessment a real high level overview, inputting the Assessment Responses, and Completing the Assessment. Remember the actual process of the assessment and learning what those question mean and how to ask those questions are part of the TCARE training and not part of this online course. Then we took the learner back to the Caregiver ID Page to make sure that you have indicated that the client is now at a step 3. Remember that the information on this course the print screens everything are printed and available to you in the MAC and TSOA Case Management Reference Guide.

13 Thank You! We thank you for taking this online course and look forward to partnering with you on MAC and TSOA Casemanangment.

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