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Exerting Influence across the East Midlands #CSPexertinginfluence

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Presentation on theme: "Exerting Influence across the East Midlands #CSPexertinginfluence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exerting Influence across the East Midlands #CSPexertinginfluence
CSP East Midlands Regional Network Exerting Influence across the East Midlands #CSPexertinginfluence

2 East Midlands Regional Network Co-Chair
Welcome Lucy Cocker East Midlands Regional Network Co-Chair

3 Wi-Fi code: champions

4 #CSPexertinginfluence


6 9:00 Registration 9:10 Opening remarks and housekeeping  Lucy Cocker, CSP East Midlands Regional Network Co-Chair 9:15 ‘Thinking Differently’ session one Andrew Hasle 9.30 Influence & Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships Karen Middleton, CSP Chief Executive 10.15 Communication Skills Jack March 11:00 Break and networking 11:15 Valuable Productivity Steve Tolan, CSP Head of Practice 12:00 Sustainability and Transformation Plans – Influencing to Transform Services Felicity Begley, CSP East Midlands Regional Network Co-Chair 12:30 Lunch and networking 13:15 East Midlands Regional Network AGM 13.30 ‘Thinking Differently’ session two Andrew Hasler 14.45 NHS RightCare Fiona Ottewell, NHS RightCare Delivery Partner 15.30 15.45 ‘Thinking Differently’ session three 16.20 Closing remarks and questions 16:30 Event closes

7 Lucy Cocker and Felicity Begley
Joint Network Honorary Joint Chairs: Lucy Cocker and Felicity Begley Facebook:

8 ‘Thinking Differently’ session one
Andrew Hasler

9 Mentimeter Enter code

10 Objectives To share some innovation resources, tools and approaches to think, plan and influence differently To actively engage you in testing some of the tools and provide opportunity for reflections To allow time and space to begin to focus on a real challenge (for you to work on over the next few months).

11 Ground rules


13 Why should we bother? Innovation …
At a time when everyone is always busy and barely have time to blink, why on earth should we bother with innovation. This may be a question that some of the participants in the room may be thinking – not least if they have been instructed to attend as opposed to having chosen to attend!

14 Same old, same old … The truth of the matter is that if we do tings the way we have always done them, how can we reasonably expect things to change or be different – and we know things need t be different (think context). This quote is variously attributed to Henry Ford and Tony Robbins, but it is helpful in thinking about trying to break out of the same old, same old mould.

15 It’s a matter of survival
Innovation is recognised by leading commercial organisations as being essential for success Ask participants which organisations they think are most innovative and influential…. And why they bother? 10-11

16 It’s an opportunity to take control
We all have a role in making it happen – it is to us to make use of the tools, resources and know how at our disposal. Recognising our own role(s) to: Influence Lead Block


18 Thinking Differently is the only real and sustainable bridge to get us from where we are now, to where we would like to be.

19 Creative connections This is probably the place to make reference to the posters, pictures and quotes distributed on the tables – these are all things to stimulate Thinking differently and making those purposeful channels and creative connections. 20

20 A process for Thinking Differently
A three step process - follow in sequence - don’t race ahead! STOP before you start to really understand the issue (reframing) Generate LOTS of ideas rather than running with the first Select and TEST ideas to increase the likelihood of success.

21 Comfort Zone

22 Change of mindset This is not about saying CSP has not had influence, but if CSP wants a different type or level of interest, then perhaps it is time to Think Differently.

23 How best to give physiotherapy a voice in STP deliberations
Your challenge should you wish to take it ….

24 Innovation + Action = Influence

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