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Microsoft EXCEL Basics

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1 Microsoft EXCEL Basics
Lesson 02 Excel Help Facilities Help Wizard Menu Toolbar Help Option - 4 Harland E. Hodges, Ph.D., College of Charleston, School of Business, Office 306 JC Long

2 The Excel Help Wizard can be left clicked to assist with understanding of Excel functionality.
It is activated by clicking the Question icon on the Standard toolbar. The Help Wizard shows the information to the left which includes the smiling paperclip and What would you like to do?

3 The Excel Help Wizard allows you to type your question in this box and click search.
The results of the search provide help assistance on the area of interest. In this example the help topic was sum. The results of the search yielded the information to the left showing short cuts to possible answers to your query.

4 The Help option on the Menu toolbar can also be used to get additional information on an Excel topic. The Microsoft Excel Help option brings up the Help Wizard (as shown on the previous two slides). The Contents and Index option brings up the Help Topics Dialog Box shown on the following slide.

5 There are 3 tabs on the dialog box showing Contents, Index, Find.
The Contents information is shown here. Left clicking an option will carry you through a series of selectable (left click) options which provide detailed information on Excel topics.

6 The Index information is shown here.
You can type your query under option 1. As you type you will see the options appear under option 2. For example, as you type sum, you will see the options change as you add each letter.

7 At the completion of typing sum, you will see the list of all Excel topics which have sum as the first three letters. Left clicking the topic of interest will provide further details.

8 The What’s This? option brings up the mouse pointer with a question mark (?) beside it.
Clicking the mouse pointer with question mark over an item on the spreadsheet will bring up a description of the item which was clicked. For example, after left clicking What’s This?, left click the font description Arial. The result is shown on the next slide.

9 The help associated with this shows that the Font box allows for the selection of font names to be used in the spreadsheet.

10 The Microsoft on the Web option brings up a pop-up list of Internet sites providing additional Excel information.

11 The About Microsoft Excel brings up the following slide showing …


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