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Mapping of cashew market regulation policy in Africa

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1 Mapping of cashew market regulation policy in Africa
Dr. Bernard Agbo, GIZ/ComCashew

2 Why regulating cashew market?
56% of RCN is produced in Africa but only less than 6% is processed High price volatility of RCN Significant difference on RCN export tax from one country to another

3 Why regulating cashew market?
Dropping quality of nuts due to high price at the beginning of the season Significant price variations from one country to another >> transboundary movement of nuts Difficulties of RCN supply by local factories

4 Taxation on RCN export ? Benin 60 FCFA /kg Burkina Faso 35 FCFA/ kg
Côte d’Ivoire 85 FCFA /kg Guinea-Bissau 92 FCFA /kg Mozambique 18% ofFOB  +75 USD/T when no supply to local factories Tanzania 150 USD/T  +15% when no supply to local factories Ghana ? Kenya

5 Ban of RCN export by land border
Benin: Ministerial order, MIC, 2017 Cote d’Ivoire: Adoption of a law in 2018 >> up to 10 years in prison, 50 million FCFA fine Kenya Guinea-Bissau

6 RCN export licence ? Benin
Deposit of 5 Mio for internal trade and 20 Mio for export Burkina Faso In discussion with MICA Côte d’Ivoire Deposit of 50 Mio for compagnies and 25 Mio Coop 79 compagnies and 21 certified coop Guinea Bissau Licence Alvara for domestic traders : F.CFA (basis) FCFA/an>> 450 licences Mozambique licences Tanzania ? Ghana Kenya

7 Export window Benin No purchase before the official opening of the campaign Côte d’Ivoire Mozambique 1 month Burkina Faso ? Tanzania Ghana Kenya

8 Obligation to sell% nuts to local factories
Benin 5 T Côte d’Ivoire 15% of export volume Burkina Faso ? Guinea Bissau Mozambique Tanzania Ghana Kenya

9 Cashew regulation structure
Benin AUGEFA et ATDA Pole 4 Burkina Faso Direction Regionale du Commerce Côte d’Ivoire CCA Guinea-Bissau ANCA Mozambique INACJU Tanzania Cashew Board of Tanzanie Ghana ? Kenya

10 CICC= Cashew International Consultative Council
How to deal with this strong disparity of regulatory policy between producing countries? CICC= Cashew International Consultative Council

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