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Junior and Leaving Certificate Examinations 2019

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1 Junior and Leaving Certificate Examinations 2019
Rules for conduct during exams

2 Extract from Rules and Programme for secondary schools:
It is each candidate’s own responsibility to note the times and dates of his/her exams from the SEC timetable (link on school website) Candidates are required to be in attendance at the exam centre at least 30 mins before the start of their first examination. On subsequent days you are required to be in attendance at least 15 mins before the published start time. No candidate will be admitted to an exam after 30 mins of the time for that paper have elapsed. No candidate will be permitted to leave the exam centre until the expiration of 30 mins from the start of the exam Candidates may, for reasons judged by the superintendent to be genuine, be given permission to leave the centre and return during the exam

3 Examination Rules 6. A candidate who leaves the exam centre will not be readmitted to the centre unless s/he has been in the care of a representative of the school authority or Exam Attendant during the entire period of absence from the centre. 7. Candidates must hand the answer book and question paper to the Superintendent on leaving the hall; the superintendent should record on the cover of the answer book the time of departure from and return to the hall and the reason for the absence; the time lost by the candidate may not be compensated for at the close of the examination period. 8. A candidate must occupy during the entire examination the place assigned to him/her by the Superintendent.

4 9. A candidate should raise his/her hand if s/he wishes to attract the attention of the Superintendent 10. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that s/he brings to the attention of the Superintendent if s/he has not been given the correct level paper at each examination. 11. No candidate may write his/her name on any part of the answer book. Only the candidate’s number should be entered on the answer books, envelope, maps, drawings etc 12. Candidates must not commence writing until instructed to do so by the Superintendent

5 13 Candidates must remain seated until the Superintendent has collected his/her sealed answer book and permitted to leave by the Superintendent. 14. Candidates must in all matters relative to the examination obey the directions of the superintendent 15. Candidates must not bring into the exam centre: any book, notes or paper; mobile phone; other electronic device (except where a calculator is permitted in a particular subject) or any material other than that which is supplied by the Superintendent 16. Candidates shall not aid/ attempt to aid/ seek or receive aid from another candidate; communicate/ attempt to communicate in any way with another candidate in the exam centre or a person outside the exam centre, by any means.

6 17. Candidates must not remove or attempt to remove any answer books (or part thereof) from the exam centre 18. Candidates must themselves bring all required pens, calculators, mathematical instruments, drawing instruments, pencils erasers etc to each exam 19. Calculators with data banks/ dictionaries/ language translators/ text retrieval/ capable of remote communication are not permitted in any exam. (no instruction manuals for calculators are permitted) 20. Candidates must wear full school uniform throughout the examination period

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