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1 Welcome

2 A Heart To Work “So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.” Nehemiah 4:6 The Heart, The feelings “the people have a heart to work.” - Y.L.T. “The people were working hard” - B.B.E.

3 Nehemiah Main character Task – rebuild the walls of Jerusalem
Completed in 52 days

4 Returned in three stages
Setting for the Story Israel Judah Assyrian captivity Babylonian captivity years Returned in three stages Zerubbabel – restore city Ezra – restore the law Nehemiah – rebuild the wall

5 Nehemiah Tribe of Judah Cupbearer for Artaxerxes
Sad – Neh. 1: Neh. 2:1-4 Walls broken – gates burned Returned to Jerusalem

6 A Plan Was Made Neh. 2:12-16 Toured city by night
Saw the condition of walls Began planning

7 They Went To Work Encouraged each other
“And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.” Neh.2:18b

8 They Went To Work Criticism did not stop them Neh. 2:19-20
v. 19 “laughed us to scorn” V.20 “The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build:”

9 They Went To Work They used every Person Neh. 3 - the list of people
“Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brethren the priests and built the Sheep Gate;” v. 1 “Next to them” 15

10 They Went To Work Did not quit when some would not work
“Next to them the Tekoites made repairs; but their nobles did not put their shoulders to the work of their Lord.” Neh.3:5 NKJV “After them the Tekoites repaired another piece, over against the great tower that lieth out, even unto the wall of Ophel.” Neh. 3:27

11 They Went To Work Work completed
Neh. 4:6 “So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.” “the people have a heart to work” Y.L.T. Not just Nehemiah

12 Applications For Us We were in bondage to sin - Romans 6:17
Rom.6:18 “Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.”

13 Applications For Us Mission - seek and save lost Church is Not growing
Souls dying in sin Many members doing nothing Complain – find fault Sad situation like Nehemiah A plan to get back on track

14 Applications For Us Encouraged each other
Easy to criticize and find fault “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,” Heb.10:24 ESV

15 Applications For Us Criticism did not stop them
Without and within – find fault Continue to do God’s will “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” II Tim.3:12 NKJV

16 and every member working
Applications For Us They used every Person We must all get involved A Work for every member and every member working

17 Synergism To work Together Working together
“Synergism, in general, may be defined as two or more agents working together to produce a result not obtainable by any of the agents independently.” To work Together Working together

18 Applications For Us Did not quit when some would not work
Must not quit because others have quit. Each one will give an account Rom. 14:12 “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”

19 Applications For Us Work completed Be willing to work
Interest and enthusiasm will spread - contagious Need cooperation

20 A Heart To Work Get acquainted Maintain peace and unity
Spiritual growth Bring lost to Christ “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Cor.15:58


22 Nelson Chapel Church of Christ
5039 Six Mile Road Maryville, Tn September 2, 2018 Sermon by Arthur Pigman 2705 Druid Hill Dr. Maryville, Tn CCL

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