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Impressions from Granada Open Symposium towards updating the European Strategy for Particle Physics J.Bernhard (EN-EA) EATM meeting – June 11th 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Impressions from Granada Open Symposium towards updating the European Strategy for Particle Physics J.Bernhard (EN-EA) EATM meeting – June 11th 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impressions from Granada Open Symposium towards updating the European Strategy for Particle Physics
J.Bernhard (EN-EA) EATM meeting – June 11th 2019

2 Overview Agenda Setting the landscape, summaries of past updates
Parallel, topical sessions in categories Electroweak Physics Flavour Physics and CP violation Dark Matter and Dark Sector Accelerator Science and Technology Beyond the Standard Model at Colliders Strong Interactions Neutrino Physics Instrumentation and Computing Summary talks Schedule with all talks available here Disclaimer: The following are my personal impressions, not official statements! Not possible to summarise everything in a short time. J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

3 Accelerators Summary talk by Lenny Rivkin, Caterina Biscari, Phil Burrows, Frank Zimmermann Topics discussed: e+e- colliders, hh colliders, ep colliders, FCC, gamma factories, plasma acceleration, muon colliders, beyond colliders (PBC), technological developments Big questions: What is the best implementation for a Higgs factory? Choice and challenges for accelerator technology: linear vs. circular? Path towards the highest energies: how to achieve the ultimate performance (including new acceleration techniques)? How to achieve proper complementarity for the high intensity frontier vs. the high-energy frontier? Energy management in the age of high-power accelerators? J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

4 Accelerators CLIC vs. FCC vs. FCC tunnel and “standard magnets”
Questions asked: How long can a community survive without a new project? Will it take too long to work on the FCC hh and expertise might be gone (Lyn Evans)? Project Start construction Start Physics (higgs) CEPC 2022 2030 ILC 2024 2033 CLIC 2026 2035 FCC-ee 2029 2039 (2044) LHeC 2023 2031 J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

5 Accelerators How far are we with technology? How long might R&D take use? Example on s.c. magnets: Energy saving becomes more and more important. Goal for any new accelerator: Stay in the order of 1 TWh per year. J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

6 Accelerators Intensity frontier / Physics Beyond Colliders
Slide from F. Gianotti J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

7 Strong Interactions Summary talk by Jorgen d’Hondt and Krzysztof Redlich Large amount of inputs, mostly fixed-target and colliders (e-p important for structure, e.g. EIC, LHeC, FCC he) Hot and dense matter Alice upgrade has key role, especially new CMOS detectors. Follow- up on Alice?  Was often suggested NA61 and NA60++ at SPS, new facilities in pipeline (e.g. NICA, GSI) J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

8 Strong Interactions Precision QCD J.Bernhard, EATM, 11-06-2019
ESPP Impressions

9 Flavour and CP violation
Flavour physics moves more and more towards Beyond the Standard Model Hot topics: Electroweak hierarchy problem, strong CP violation, origin of weak CP violation and matter-antimatter asymmetry, flavour puzzle Accessibility via EDMs, rare K decays and m to e processes in the light sector  intense K and m beams EDMs: Storage ring seems to be most promising (where?) Rare K decays: NA62, KLEVER, KOTO Lepton flavour violation: MUSE, MEG With new, high energy accelerators and HL-LHC also t, H and heavy sector realistic Z factory (running ee at Z mass) would be extremely useful for flavour physics Dark sector looks promising to find explanations for CP violation J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

10 Dark Sector Big questions:
How do we search for DM, depending on its properties? What are the main differences between light Hidden Sector DM and WIMPs? How broad is the parameter space for the QCD axion? What are the most promising experimental programs, approved or proposed, to probe the different DM possibilities in a compelling manner? How to compare results of different experiments in a more model-independent way? How will direct and indirect DM Detection experiments inform/guide accelerator searches and vice-versa? J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

11 Dark Sector Beam dump experiments important for MeV-GeV (either via decay and detection of long-lived dark matter or via DM-exchange (i.e. scattering) Visible channel searches (SHiP, NA62++, NA64) need highest intensities (rate goes with e4) Invisible channels (NA64, LDMX) need well defined beams and excellent background suppression/control (rate goes with e2) Scalar Vector J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

12 Dark Sector Heavy Neutral Leptons Axions/ALPs
Dark photon decay (invisible) J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions

13 Beyond the Standard Model
Big questions: To what extent can we tell whether the Higgs is fundamental or composite? Are there new interactions or new particles around or above the electroweak scale? What cases of thermal relic WIMPs are still unprobed and can be fully covered by future collider searches? To what extent can current or future accelerators probe feebly interacting sectors? J.Bernhard, EATM, ESPP Impressions


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