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Harmonic Energies of Food MetalEnergy and Stress Management

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1 Harmonic Energies of Food MetalEnergy and Stress Management
By: Bresha Calloway

2 Goals Goals/Overview: The goal of this class is help the participant understand what stress is and how to work with the harmonic food energy associated with the five earth elements known as metal/ore. Metal/ore is a specific energy whose main target is to produce balance in the lungs, hands, and large intestine as well as maintain stress levels. This energy is associated with imbalances and balances as well as personality traits.

3 Objectives Develop knowledge of the Metal Energy and its relationship with stress Allow participants to understand and observe their perception of stress Understand the relationship between stress, the nutrition practioner, and client/student

4 Outcomes Discover methods to managing stress using specific foods.
Learn signs of Metal imbalance/ability to manage stress levels. Develop knowledge of foods that can cause the metal energy imbalance which leads to higher levels of stress Discover foods that balance this energy to help one maintain stress levels. Individuals will also discover personality traits associated with imbalance/balance of this energy

5 What is Stress? Stress is the minds response to demands and is based on stimuli, environment and perception (NIH,n.d) . What causes you stress? What helps you manage stress?

6 How Stress Can Make You Sick

7 Coping Coping is important because there are many forms of coping that are used by humans to deal with stress. If we examine the way the patient copes with everyday life activities we can determine the root cause of his or her stress levels as well as how the patient perceives stress. With stress it is about perception just as much as it is about the very thing that stresses a person. Evaluating coping mechanisms allows the practitioner to understand how the patient copes with everyday life and how they perceive stress.

8 Balance One of the key concepts I always hear associated with stress is the inability to feel balance inwardly, feelings of being overwhelmed or burnt out. These are all emotional responses to the patient’s environment (internal/external). By focusing on inner balance in order to create an external balance we can evaluate the patients emotional responses to everyday life and coping mechanisms to make a strong impact on the patient’s stress levels.

9 Food, Coping, and Balance
Everything we consume either allows us to become more balanced or imbalances, cultivating wellness or illness.

10 Metal Energy background
This stage follows the soil/earth energy phase. This phase represent energy at its most concentrated stage because it gathers potential (MUIH, 2015). Associated with autumn, and evening along with roasting and pressure cooking. Representing unami the fifth taste in the harmonic choirs of flavor as well as strength, potential, and the ability to allow proper digestion for the assimilation of nutrients at optimal levels within the body. Imbalance of the energy leads to dysfunction of the digestive system to absorb nutrients and weakens the lungs ability to oxygenate blood cells leading to fatigue and stress as the body attempts to perform at optimal levels without proper support from these systems.

11 Personality Traits Associated With Balances
As a constructive phase this energy acts to accumulate, develop self-disciple, while representing a reserved and intellectual state. Autumn- Potential, December- Cultivating, January- New Year releasing potential and cultivation into momentum.

12 Personality traits associated with Imbalances
When the metal/stone/ore energy is imbalanced in the body, criticalness, gloominess, and introverted characteristics like lethargy, indecisiveness, and depression take center stage. Internalizing becomes prevalent and one might see behaviors of a hoarding or obsessiveness arise.

13 Organs and Systems Effected By Imbalances
The lungs, large intestine, and hands are often affected by this energy imbalance. Gas exchange is blocked in the lungs and causes weakness in the hands or large intestine (MUIH, 2015).

14 Foods contributing to Imbalances
Mucus producing foods such white flour, dairy, frozen foods, and those that contain high amounts of fats contribute to this imbalance.

15 Foods contributing to Balance
Foods that balance the metal/stone/ore energy include pungent foods like ginger, horadish, dark leafy greens such as kale, collards, and greens. To balance this energy is to prevent many health conditions related to the large intestine, lungs, shoulders, and hands.

16 Food List Recipe Activity
Sweet potato, Ginger, Pear, Olives, Red, yellow, and Orange Bell Peppers, Quinoa, Collard Greens, Black Beans, Garlic, Dates, Butternut squash *********************Reasons these foods help manage stress

17 Why Outcomes Are Important…
These outcomes would be important to you because it gives him or her insight in regards to their mental ability to manage stress. It allows the individual’s to understand that stress is not only a product of environmental stimuli because it is also dependent on a person food intake. With this, they can become more aware of methods to healing beyond physical but mental as well.

18 Bibliography MUIH. (2015). Metal Transformation. Maryland University of Integrative Health. Retrieved from: /content/1/Metal_Transformation.pdf MUIH. (2015). Introduction to the Five Transformational Energies. Maryland University of Integrative Health. Retrieved from: /content/1/Five_Transformations_of_Energy.pdf NIH. Factsheet about Stress. National Institute of Health. Retrieved From: t_LN_ pdf

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