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DFB Stiftung Sepp Herberger

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1 DFB Stiftung Sepp Herberger
Nico Kempf – DFB Stiftung Sepp Herberger

2 Nico Kempf, Deputy Manager DFB Foundation Sepp Herberger
Kick-Off for a new life Nico Kempf, Deputy Manager DFB Foundation Sepp Herberger Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/2019)

3 DFB Foundation Sepp Herberger
Established in 1977 First German Football Foundation Heir of private property of Family Herberger Committees: Board and board of trustees Ambassadors: Horst Eckel, Uwe Seeler, Timo Hildebrand, Tina Theune, Nadine Keßler, Jens Nowotny, Ottmar Hitzfeld, Otto Rehhagel National coach (1936 – 1964): Sepp Herberger and his wife Eva Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

4 DFB Foundation SepP Herberger
Disability Football Inclusion Initiative Blind Football League German Championship of Workshops for Disabled People Unified Football Friends Cups Reintegration into Society “Kick-Off for a New Life“ Individual support (visit of ambassadors) Schools & Clubs „Sepp Herberger Days“ „Sepp Herberger Awards“ “Sozialwerk“ Help for members of the football family in need operative foundation supportive foundation Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

5 Kick-off for a new life Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

6 facts Started in 2008 Focus on juvenile prisons Goals:
use football as catalyst to better prepare prisoners for release reintegration into society (find employment / integration in the football family) reduce reoffending 22 prisons of 10 federal states participate at the initiative (3 women teams) Establishment of „Kick-Off-Teams“: maximum of 15 young offenders between 16 and 24 years old Work in 3 categories (football, education, social integration) Sporting highlight: football tournament „Sepp-Herberger-Pokal“ Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

7 Participation criterias
Accessibility to the German labour market Affinity for sports/football High motivation for education programmes Term of imprisonment between 6 and 24 months Good conduct Participation at release preparation activities Important: The decision will be taken by the prison! Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

8 structure Football Family Employ-ment Society Motivation
Referee course Coach education Cooperation with clubs Partcipation at official matches Arbeit / Beruf / Work / School Education course Applicant training workshop Job counselling Career planning service Social Work Experiental education Non-violent communication Addiction prevention Anti-violence-training Empathy training Motivation Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

9 partners Partners Federal Employment Agency Justice
Regional associations (DFB) Professional football clubs Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

10 maximum 15 young offenders
Kick-Off-team „Anstoß-Team“ 15 Strafgefangene Sports official (Coordinator) „Kick-Off-Team“ maximum 15 young offenders Pedagogical employee Social services External Partners: Regional Associations Employment agencies Professional football clubs Local Partners further employees (e. g. public relation) Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

11 Football tournament „Sepp-Herberger-Pokal“
Sporting highlight of the project Biggest football tournament behind prison walls Regional qualification tournaments Men and women tournament (same place/time) Entertaining programme: Presentation of the Music project „Teamsong“ Talk with a prominent football personality Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

12 Best Practice Omar Oumari: Severe term of imprisonment
Member of the social rehabilitation project As day release prisoner participation at external football matches After release: Found a responsible job Participation at a referee course Coach of a prison football team Mustafa L.: Young offender After relase: Built up a new environment by being integrated into a local grassroots club Mediation of the job through local football club Kick-Off for a New Life Football Works Conference (Almelo, 13/6/19)

13 Thank you for your attention!

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