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Romans Part IV Lesson 8.

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1 Romans Part IV Lesson 8

2 Problems Paul dealt with
Those causing dissensions and hindrances Judaizers who wanted the Law plus grace Antinomians who wanted grace, grace, grace The strong and the weak Judging and regarding with contempt Jews accepting the Gentiles

3 Romans 16 Verses 1-2 Phoebe: sister servant
to be received in a manner worthy to be helped helper of many helped Paul

4 I Timothy 3:2-7 Overseers: above reproach: without blame in light of the whole picture Temperate: sober, free from life dominating influences Prudent: living in God defined balance Not pugnacious: brawler, striker, contentious One who manages his own household Not a new convert

5 Deacons and Deaconesses
Dignified Not malicious gossips/ not double tongued Tested Faithful in all Temperate Distinctions between deacon and bishop: Hold to the mystery of faith

6 Romans 16:3-16 List of friends
Prisca and Aquilla: Jews, ministered with Paul Kinsmen Fellow workers Fellow prisoners Hard workers Beloved Outstanding Approved

7 Romans 16:17-20 Warning: Watch for those who cause dissensions
and hindrances Turn away from them Be wise in what is good; innocent in what is evil Exhortation: Paul rejoiced because of their obedience The God of peace will soon crush Satan

8 Those who cause dissensions
They give hindrances They are contrary to correct teaching They deceive hearts of unsuspecting Have smooth and flattering speech Slaves of their appetites, not the Lord

9 Romans 16:21-24 Paul sent greetings to: Timothy – Paul’s fellow worker
Lucius, Jason and Sosipater – fellow Jews Tertius, Paul’s scribe, SENT his greetings Gaius – hosted Paul and the church

10 Romans 16:25-27 Prayer of benediction Who establishes? God
How are you established? According to the gospel According to the preaching of Jesus Christ According to the revelation of the mystery By the Scriptures of the prophets According to the commandment of God

11 What is the mystery? Jesus Christ Savior Messiah
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world

12 Application Do you now know the doctrine of your faith?
Do you know what you believe and why you believe it? How can God let someone go to hell if He is a God of love? Will a saved person experience the wrath of God? The Just shall LIVE by faith: obedience is the evidence of your salvation

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