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How do Local Authorities use Research & Intelligence?

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Presentation on theme: "How do Local Authorities use Research & Intelligence?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Local Authorities use Research & Intelligence?
Siobhan Farmer Public Health Consultant Salford City Council

2 Why should Councils use research & intelligence?
Basing services on “what works” Better efficiencies in using resources Gives rationale for making decisions Answers questions about what people need (or want)

3 What is “research” in a Local Authority?
The NHS, Universities and Local Authorities may think of “research” differently Here is the Health Research Authority (HRA) leaflet on “defining research” The HRA recommend categorising using: Intent Treatment/service Allocation Randomisation


5 What is “research” in a Local Authority?
Health Research Agency vs Local Government Agency “Typical activities could include: analysing the wealth of data held by local authorities and their partners, to help them improve their service delivery analysing and presenting performance data in an easily understandable way developing and conducting research projects, for example, surveys of residents or clients synthesising and interpreting research and analysis to inform authorities about the latest evidence and learning for the services they deliver producing briefing papers and reports commissioning and managing research.” Taken from

6 National & Local Statistics
Office of National Statistics / Census data Health & Social Care Information Centre New Economy data Statistics – e.g. Hospital Episode Statistics Primary Care Mortality Database Public Health England Think Tanks – Kings Fund, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Surveys – British Household Panel Survey, Health Survey for England, British Cohort Studies, Carers survey Charities – Cancer Research UK, Diabetes UK, UNICEF World Health Organisation, European Union Local service data & performance monitoring reports

7 Needs Assessment Health Needs Assessment a Practical Guide. NICE.
“… needs assessment is a systematic method for reviewing the health issues facing a population, leading to agreed priorities and resource allocation that will improve health and reduce health inequalities” Health Needs Assessment a Practical Guide. NICE.

8 Cycle of health needs assessment
1 What population? ... and who to involve? 2 Identifying problems and challenges 5 Review measuring impact learning population profiling perceptions of needs IMPLEMENTING ACTION 4 Action planning for change 3 Prioritisation which issue(s) to tackle? what are effective and acceptable interventions?

9 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
A responsibility of Health and Wellbeing Board Gives the big picture of health and wellbeing needs and assets to aid decision making Continuous process, no set timescales A range of deep dive analyses – not a singular document Attempts to predict trends, and decide what the evidence suggest we should do to change them

10 Examples State of the city Cancer Profiles
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans (LGBT) Gypsy Roma Traveller Mortality trends Long term condition predicted prevalence's Malnutrition admissions Suicide Audit Adult social care user survey

11 Examples Ward and neighbourhood profiles Community Asset mapping
Winter mortality analysis Children’s 0 – 25 Sexual Health ADHD End of Life Care Health and wellbeing overview

12 Local Statistics 239,000 people call Salford home. This is projected to rise to 261,600 by 2020 48,417 people or 20.7% reported a health condition or disability that limited their day-to-day activities The proportion of older people aged 65 and over has dropped since 2001 by 14.4% of residents described themselves as being from an ethnic minority community – an increase of 183% since 2001 Source: 2011 census data: CMT headline census data report Salford population projections – Research and Information team 6% but the number of children aged 0-4 yrs increased by 109,059 is the number of occupied households in the city - an increase of 10.4% since 2001 30.4%

13 The population of Salford will grow, but will be different to rest of UK
Key points 8% increase by 2021 3,800 births, 2,100 deaths i.e. 1,700 net increase In migration of young adults who may also have children = more school age children Older population will increase but not as much as UK ( e.g. 15% increase in 85+ compared to 22.5% nationally) Internal migration (ie from UK will continue), 4,500 net loss to rest of UK The age structure of the population across Salford & England in 2015 and the forecast changes by 2021

14 National & Local Statistics

15 Population growth located in distinct areas
Key points significant growth in some areas of city eg Ordsall and Broughton Ordsall (6,300, 40%), Irwell Riverside (2,400, 18%) Walkden South (1,000, 10%). ONS projections indicate , the number of households in Salford may increase by 13,500 or 13%, a greater increase than occurred during the preceding decade (10,000 or 11%). The projected increase may include an additional: 4,000 single person households 4,100 couple households 3,100 single parent households 5,000 households with dependent children 8,600 households with no dependent children Historical data suggests that there may be an issue of houses not meeting the changing needs of residents in the City. 2011, 9,850 households, were overcrowded with at least one room too few for their needs – up 79% since 2001. The greatest increase was in Ordsall where one third of all households in 2011 had at least one room too few. Affordability may also be an issue, although data suggests that in the mean house price of £127,644 in 2011 was 3.9 times mean household income of £32,752 which was a decrease from 2010 when the ratio was 4.1.

16 Salford has significant deprivation
New Economy

17 The poorest areas have worst health

18 Mind the Gap

19 Salford residents face health challenges
*There is no new data for deprivation or obese adults since 2010 and 2011 respectively. Improving direction of travel (does not represent significant change) Show fluctuation in value (does not represent significant change) 2 Children in poverty 6 Long term unemployment 3 Statutory homelessness 8 Starting breast feeding 4 GCSE achieved 9 Obese Children (Year 6) 5 Violent crime 10 Alcohol-specific hospital stays (under 18) 7 Smoking at time of delivery 12 Adults smoking 11 Under 18 conceptions 13 Physically active adults 16 Incidence of malignant melanoma 17 Hospital stays for self-harm 20 Recorded diabetes 23 Hip fracture in 65s and over 21 New cases of tuberculosis 28 Smoking related deaths 24 Excess winter deaths 22 Acute sexually transmitted infections (no new data since 2012) 25 Life expectancy – male 26 Life expectancy – female 27 Infant mortality 30 Mortality rate Cardiovascular Disease 31 Mortality rate cancer 32 Killed or seriously injured on roads 18 Hospital stays for alcohol related harm 19 Drug misuse The eight shaded areas in the table are those with consistent measurement method (see point 3.2) and so more appropriate to apply trend analysis and detect significance .

20 Spine chart for 2015 (Health Profile)
5 green 6 amber 21 red 1. Homelessness - red to amber 2. Violent crime - amber to green 3. TB - amber to green

21 Reasons for Life Expectancy Gaps

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