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Strategies for Communications to PWS Customers

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1 Strategies for Communications to PWS Customers
Effective and timely Public Notice to water system customers in urgent situations Patrick Kading Water Supply Division Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 2019 Environmental Trade Fair, May 14th

2 If you had to get an important message to all of your customers within the next 24 hours, could you do it? How would you do it?

3 Tier 1 Public Notice Tier 1 Public Notices(PN) need to be delivered to customers within 24 hours of the violation/situation being identified. Pose an acute threat to public health.

4 Examples of Tier 1 Violation/Situation
E. Coli Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) violation Acute turbidity issue Nitrate or Nitrite MCL violation Waterborne disease outbreak At the discretion of TCEQ Boil Water Notice “Do Not Use” Notice

5 Requirements for Tier 1 Must include mandatory language
Can be found online Delivered to customers using required methods Multi-lingual if needed If posted in public places, must be posted as long as situation exists or 7 days, whichever is longer

6 “…shall be issued in one or more of the following manners that are reasonably calculated to reach persons served by the public water system within the required time period.” Radio/Television Daily Newspaper Posting in conspicuous places Direct delivery (door hangers, etc.) Other methods: electronic delivery or alert systems

7 Radio/Television Ask about on-line content.
Identify the radio and televisions stations that serve your area. What if you don’t have one? Obtain the contacts with the stations and information on: what they want, how they want it, when they need it. Build a working relationship Ask about on-line content.

8 Newspaper Ask about on-line content.
Identify the daily newspapers that serve your area. What if you don’t have one? Obtain the contacts with the newspapers and information on: what they want, how they want it, when they need it. Build a working relationship Ask about on-line content.

9 Conspicuous Places Identify locations ahead of time
Common areas that customers will most likely visit on a daily basis Community mailboxes Entrances into subdivision Dumpster area Prepare signs/templates Large enough to get attention

10 Direct Delivery Identify the locations of your connections/customers
What type of notice will you use? Door-hangers Fliers Prepare template notices Designate staff to distribute the notices Is this a practical way to reach all customers?

11 Other Methods Social Media Electronic Delivery (email) Auto-Dialer
Reverse 911

12 Social Media Are there any other social media accounts that you can partner with? Police/Fire Streets Department Establish the communication channel before a public notice is needed Prepare template notices Designate staff to be responsible for posting information

13 Electronic Delivery/ Auto-dialer/Reverse 911
Need to get system in place before notice is needed Reach out to customers to get contact information Form to send out to existing customers Get information when new customers sign up for service Get information when people call in

14 Electronic Delivery/ Auto-dialer/Reverse 911
Identify the limitations of the system Prepare template messages to be used Identify the best “other” methods to use to reach those who did not give contact information



17 What PN Method Should You Use?
Know your customers Know your abilities and resources Plan ahead Be flexible to changing needs

18 Know Your Customers What areas do you serve?
Are some customers more vulnerable than others? (schools, assisted living…) Do your customers speak a language other than English? What are the typical age groups of your customers?

19 Know Your Resources/Abilities
Do you have your contacts/plan for each chosen method? How many staff are on your team? Can you budget for a notification system?

20 Plan Ahead Know who your customers are, and what limitations you have
Gather contact information for customers Get a system in place Prepare notice templates in advance

21 Be Flexible Seek feedback from customers on how they would like to receive PN Systems grow, customers change, preferred media changes, new technology becomes available, rules change Unexpected scenarios are to be expected

22 Overall Considerations
How will you reach all your customers? Plan ahead as much as possible Identify staff responsibilities ahead of time Look for opportunities to share resources Communicate to customers with “good news”, not always “bad news” Be the first source of information

23 Questions? Patrick Kading Team Leader Drinking Water Inventory & Protection Team Water Supply Division

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