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The Life of David 1 David, the future king 1 Samuel 16-31

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2 The Life of David 1 David, the future king 1 Samuel 16-31
The preserving grace of God 2 David, the triumphant king 2 Samuel 1-10 God’s enriching grace 3 David, the troubled king 2 Samuel 11 to 1 Kings 2 God’s over-coming, forgiving grace

3 Why this series? We can see how David solved the problems he faced and see ways we can solve the problems we face. We can see our role in God’s redemption plan. We can learn more about Jesus. Look for truths about Jesus so that we can know and glorify Him more. Looking for truths that will encourage us in our walk as the people of God. Praying together that God will fan the flames of faith in our lives in such a mighty way that the riches of God’s grace will shine brightly from our lives.

4 How it all starts 1 Samuel 16

5 How it all starts David A blessing to Israel
A warrior to fight her battles A king to lead her to unprecedented glory An inspired poet to fill her worship with songs of praise.

6 How it all starts 1 Samuel 16
God fills His people with a sense of burden and a heaviness over the conditions in which they find themselves.

7 A sense of burden King Saul has demonstrated clearly he is not fit to rule. 1 Samuel 15:35 The people desired to have a king so that they can be like the other nations, elevating the worlds standards above God’s revealed will.

8 1 Samuel 16:1 “Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.” NASV, “I have selected a king for Myself.”

9 Questions Are we close to revival, are we close to such an outpouring of God’s mercy and blessing today? Do we feel the evil of our times? Are we burdened and distressed over the condition of the church today? How many of us mourn today over our leaders and nation and church?

10 How it all starts 1 Samuel 16
God fills His people with a sense of burden and a heaviness over the conditions in which they find themselves. When God intends to bless His people, He nearly always bypasses the things we depend upon or look to.

11 1 Samuel 16:7 “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

12 1 Samuel 16 Like Samuel, we need to be cautioned about looking and relying on outward appearances. Like Samuel we still have the tendency to flirt with Eliab even though we have been burned by Saul. God does things differently!

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