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Experts by Experience Group Observations.

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1 Experts by Experience Group Observations

2 Aim of today is to: Help you to understand the group observations as part of the admissions process and your role within this.

3 Icebreaker and introductions
In your groups on the tables: Introduce yourself and tell the group your name and what you hope to get from today’s sessions. As a group, think about confidentiality. What is it and why is it important in relation to the work that you might be involved with at the university? Please be ready to share your discussion with the rest of the room in a few minutes (perhaps nominate someone from the table to be your spokesperson).

There are three components to the assessment: a group discussion, an individual interview, and a written test (this training is focused on the group observations). The group discussion will be conducted first, so that a follow up question can be asked in the individual interview. This will enable students who struggled in the group discussion to reflect on this and talk about how they could improve their group involvement in future.  The individual interview has a higher possible score than the group discussion. This is deliberate in order to ensure greater weighting is given to the individual interview performance. Standard entry requirements can be found on University websites. However, applicants who do not meet these requirements but have alternative academic qualification and relevant experience that would prepare them for study at undergraduate or postgraduate level would be considered.

5 Group observations You can shadow a group observation before you take part in one if you would like to do so (just let a member of staff know that you would like to do this We are looking for potential, rather than for the finished article. We are looking for applicants who can: Work as part of a team Present ideas and arguments Consider and respond to other people’s points of view Ensure that everybody’s views are heard Be aware of discrimination and oppression

6 Group observation FORMAT
Students are grouped into groups of 4 to 7 participants, preferably no more than 6. They are informed what will be assessed and what the format is. They are given time to consider the question, read the article or look at the video that will form the basis of the group discussion (to save time, the articles or case studies can be sent to applicants electronically in advance of their arrival). Each HEI will have choice over what question or source will be used as the focus of the group discussion. Participants will sit in a circle during the discussion. Each group of students is assigned at least two observers: one member of HEI teaching staff and at least one of the following: a service user or carer and/or a Social Worker. The observers are not there to lead the groups or participate in the discussion. The group discussions should last 20 minutes. Once completed, students are returned to the waiting room to await the individual interviews. Observers have approximately 15 minutes to complete the assessment forms. The observers will confer and agree a score for each group member. The score is entered into the assessment form by the lead interviewer (the HEI staff member).

7 Group observation role play
This exercise aims to provide you with the opportunity to practice observing a group of potential students who are applying to join the social work degree course at Northumbria University. Details of this activity are on the next slide and on the handout. You will need some help from other staff members who are willing to role play an applicant being interviewed.

8 Group observation skills: role play instructions
You will now have an opportunity to observe a group of ‘applicants’ discussing the question: Why is social work important in our communities? Work in pairs and agree the following: Who will take notes? Who will observe the group dynamic and the group process? Who will keep an eye on the time and give a five minute warning to the ‘applicants’ (after fifteen minutes)? Once the group has finished, you will have fifteen minutes to discuss the observation and complete the form (providing a score). Please remember to think about adding any comments that should be followed up in the individual interview. After this you will have a chance to share your thoughts on the process with the whole group.

9 Feedback and questions
In your groups, please feedback your thoughts on that exercise. What worked? What could be improved? Were there any particular challenges that you encountered? Case study feedback and thoughts. ? Any Questions? Discussion on the case study content – potentially triggering for some people. Need to ensure that have discussed this people and that cases studies are shared in advance.

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