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Evolution and Impact of an Upwind Coastal Jet

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1 Evolution and Impact of an Upwind Coastal Jet
Bob Chant1 and Scott Glenn1 1Rutgers University Ocean Science Meeting - San Antonio, TX January, 2000

2 Along Shore Wind Stress July 1998 Ocean Currents in the LEO-15 Area
Today’s Talk dyne/cm2 Ocean Currents in the LEO-15 Area on July 23, 1998 at 08:20 GMT

3 Ocean Currents in the LEO-15 area
ADCP Sections July 21, :30 GMT Ocean Currents in the LEO-15 area July 23, :20 GMT

4 Temperature (contours)
July rd Transect Along-shore Currents (color) and Temperature (contours) 14o 22o 18o July rd Transect 30 20 10 -10 -20 -30 N o r t h S u cm/sec

5 July 23, 1998 - Detided Along Shelf Velocity
Downshelf Transport 31.7 km3/s Downshelf Transport 29.4 km3/s Downshelf Transport 22.6 km3/s

6 Transport upshelf/downshelf
Wind Stress 1.0 .75 .5 .25 -.25 -.5 -.75 -1.0

7 Along-Shore Surface and Bottom Transport and Along-shore Wind Stress
m2/s dyne/cm2 Offshore Mooring Cross-Shore Surface and Bottom Transport and Along-shore Wind Stress m2/s dyne/cm2

8 Transport Upshelf/Downshelf
m3/s *103 Transport Upshelf/Downshelf

9 Along-Shore Surface and Bottom Trasport and Along-Shore Wind Stress
Node B Along-Shore Surface and Bottom Trasport and Along-Shore Wind Stress Node B dyne/cm2 m2/s Node B Cross-Shore Surface and Bottom Trasport and Along-Shore Wind Stress dyne/cm2 m2/s

10 Alongshore Transport at Node B m2/s m3/s Wind Stress Along Shore dyne/cm2 Cross Shore


12 Two Numbers equal to the volume of a semicircle of fluid 20m deep and a diameter of 15 nm If jet converges over a 50 km length scale it would provide the additional offshore transport observed at the offshore mooring. 2D Upwelling Along-Shore Convergence = D Upwelling

13 What is the fate of the coastal jet as it impinges on shoaling
Distance (km) What is the fate of the coastal jet as it impinges on shoaling and rougher topography?

14 Conclusions 1) AVHRR imagery reveals an upwelling center which translates down the coast and extends offshore. 2) Towed ADCP data revels an upwind-near-shore-jet during upwelling favorable conditions. The jet tends to have a mid depth maximum and resides in the center of spreading isopyncals. 3) The jet’s appearance was coincident with a maximum in the along shore wind stress and spins up within an inertial period. 4) Moored data indicate that off shore transport at the surface is consistent with Ekman transport prior to the jets appearance. However, as the near shore jet develops off shore transport exceeds the Ekman transport. We suggest that the increased offshore transport due to offshore transport of fluid in the Jet. 5) The volume of fluid transported by the jet is consistent with the volume of the upwelling center. We speculate that the evolution of the upwelling center and its offshore extent is related to the jet impinging on shoaling and rougher topography.









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