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Kyra Lippert Mrs. Nitsche Day 2 period 5

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1 Kyra Lippert Mrs. Nitsche Day 2 period 5
Psilocybin Kyra Lippert Mrs. Nitsche Day 2 period 5

2 History The active ingredient in 'magic' mushrooms or 'shrooms' is a psycho-active substance called psilocybin. It occurs naturally when rye is subjected to a lot of moisture which makes these fungi grow on the plant, they call this form 'argot' is a psycho-active substance called psilocybin. It occurs naturally when rye is subjected to a lot of moisture which makes these fungi grow on the plant, they call this form 'argot‘. psilocybin has been used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies, and native people used it for many generations. Decades of 1960s were most likely linked with these drugs. Psilocybin is naturally produced by plants, but some of them are made in labs.

3 Effects of psilocybin varieties of strange and unpredictable sensations and experiences All drugs have in common are there ability to alter the functioning of the brain in a way as to either modify the users perception or create it entirely artificial perceptions

4 Trend in teen use This graph shows all shorts of drugs, but you can see that some of these drugs are higher than others. As you can see hallucinogens have the lowest percent's out of all the drugs.

5 Media Influence Drugs have a very big effect on teen people.
I found on a website of a test on the social and media influence of drug abuse One of the most shocking statements made by the study’s about teen drug use and social media was, “With … cameras on every cell phone capturing every fact of life, it is no wonder that pictures of teens using drugs and alcohol are making there way onto social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace.” Further, it was “discovered that a staggering three-quarters of teens between the ages of 12 and 17 years old admitted that seeing photos of fellow classmates using drugs on social media encouraged them to do the same.”

6 Impact Impact on families-
Most families when they have a teen in there family who abuses drugs, they go to family therapy. Family therapy helps by strengthening your family, and finding resources to find ways to live without drugs. Impact on friends- When a friend abuses drugs, he will continue to use the drug despite the negative consequences it is having on friendships. He may even break the trust of friends by lying and stealing from them in order to get the funding to buy his drugs. Also, friends might be put in harm's way because they are exposed to drug dealers and the violence that are often associated with them. Friends might also be exposed to the abuser's own violence and aggression when he is intoxicated or high on drugs.

7 Treatment There mission statement "To raise the standard in comprehensive addiction treatment and provide an unsurpassed treatment experience to our clients.“ They use the 12 step principle to help patients Each patient gets there own specific treatment plan depending on the drug Phone number- (860)  187 South Canaan Road, Canaan, Connecticut 06018 Offer large numbers of optional treatment modalities. They try to appeal to everybody. Here is a picture of mountainside drug and rehab center

8 Prevention There are many ways to live a drug free life
You can exercise (such as running or yoga) You can hang out with friends You can go to the movies These are just a few of ideas My goals are if I'm stressed to go to my guidance consoler or go to my mom and ask my family to help me I would also go to my friends for help to help with school and just talk to them.

9 Bibliography "About Us." Mountainside. Mountainside, n.d. Web. 10 Oct < us>. Barter, James. Hallucinogens. San Diego: Lucent, Print. Mendelsohn, Jack. Mushroom, the Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs. New Haven: Chelsea House, Print. National Institute on Drug Abuse. "Drug Facts: Hallucinogens - LSD, Peyote, Psilocybin, and PCP." National Institute on Drug Abuse, June Web. 10 Oct Turning Point Centers. "The Influence of Social Media and Teen Drug Use." Turning point centers. N.p., Web. 30 Oct

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