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Three components of speech

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1 Three components of speech
Initiation “Movement of an organ that generates positive or negative air pressure adjacent to it in the vocal tract” (see website) Articulation Phonation The state of the vocal folds and glottis Voiced, voiceless, breathy (murmur), creaky

2 Don’t get confused Breathy or murmur Whisper
Rat has this right: breathy and murmur are two words for the same thing; whisper is different For some reason, Cat says that breathy is breathy, but that whisper is also called murmur

3 Which is which? Voiced Voiceless Creaky Breathy


5 Vertical section (viewed from back)


7 Mucosal wave

8 Three components (Catford figure 12)

9 Voiceless sounds Nasals Approximants Vowels Examples from Angami
Examples from Toda Vowels Examples?

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