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Petteri Baer, Regional Adviser, UNECE

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Presentation on theme: "Petteri Baer, Regional Adviser, UNECE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Petteri Baer, Regional Adviser, UNECE
Building Relationships with Users as a Strategic Concept Part four: Internet means Interaction Presentation at the Strategic Management Seminar on Dissemination and Communication of Official Statistics Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina 29.6 – Petteri Baer, Regional Adviser, UNECE

2 The information market: Rapid growth
The information market is one of the sectors usually showing rapid and almost continuous growth figures in the last 20 years Summer 2002: more than internet hosts in the world The information market is a sector of great possibilities What is our response to these new structures of our environment? Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

3 Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division
We can notice... …a strong growth in the turnover of commercial dealers, brokers and consulting corporations in the information business whereas National Statistical Institutes often find themselves in administrative clashes concerning cuts of budget funding Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

4 Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division
The benefits of providing both non-chargeable basic services and chargeable surplus services Provide besides the non-chargeable basic services interesting, useful and attractive services that a growing number of customers willingly will make use of the chargeable surplus services In this way both financial compensation for developed services and contact information about the paying customers and their need structures will be accumulated just as a normal part of delivery and invoicing practices Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

5 Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division
Dissemination of statistical information on the internet provides new service possibilities Electronic information services, for instance press releases, can be delivered to potential customers’ as bonus services. In order to receive these services the customer will gladly inform the NSO about the delivery address, spheres of her/his interest etc. And again - the NSO will receive detailed contact information for improving its services - just as a normal part of the delivery processes Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

6 Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division
As the world is going more and more electronic -Build up and participate in information portals! It may be wise for NSOs to establish different internet portals for different main categories of users of statistical information And also to participate with a reasonably differentiated contents structure in professional portals established by other organisations than ourselves Too often we are content with just a simple link to our general homepage! Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

7 Learn to provide customised extranet services!
They will make it easy for corporations and enterprises to effectively and easily make more use of statistical information, relevant for and matched individually to respond to their needs - not to loose time in jerking around in the abundant ocean of statistical information They can be built into the internal and widely used corporate-wise Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence systems Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

8 Try to use simple expressions!
Too much text: nobody reads Too many explanations: nobody gets interested Too small text fonts: nobody bothers to read A stepwise approach will bring the customer closer Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

9 If a NSO has a developed Marketing and Dissemination Strategy
… it will have a better position among its users and more support for its development activities (1) The general public - better knowledge of the developments in society and of information sources The different identified customer groups - better opportunities to find and use statistical information The public administration - better basis for planning activities and decision making, better efficiency in the use of resources The business sector - up-to-date and reliable information The international community - better access to information on the country Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

10 If a NSO has a developed Marketing and Dissemination Strategy
…it will have a better position among its users and more support for its development activities (2) …and last but not least The NSO itself will have enhanced publicity enhanced confidence in statistics enhanced importance in its own society better understanding of and by respondents better ability to develop the quality of the statistical information it provides Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

11 Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division
Conclusion You cannot learn to swim if you don’t go into the water! Thank you for your attention! Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

12 Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division
Notes and comments Petteri Baer, UNECE Statistical Division

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