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St George’s Day 23rd April “Facing our dragons”.

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1 St George’s Day 23rd April “Facing our dragons”

2 Who was St George…? St George is the patron saint of England, like St Andrew (Scotland), St Patrick (Northern Ireland) and St David (Wales). It was said that St George killed a dragon for the king, everyone was afraid of the dragon but St George overcame this fear. St George is used as a national symbol for England but was actually born near Turkey and so was an early immigrant to England. St George represents overcoming your fears, just like he did against the dragon.

3 Was this real? The legend of St George and the dragon has various versions. The most famous legend tells of a ferocious dragon who was holding a town in terror. The king offered the townspeople’s children to the dragon to keep him happy, but the king knew that eventually the dragon was going to have to eat his daughter. According to legend, St George slayed the dragon and rescued the town. It is a typical ‘good defeats evil’ story.

4 What are my dragons/fears…?
A dragon was seen as something to be afraid of, to defeat. Of course, we know that dragons are mythical beings, creatures of imagination and of magic. However, we all have our own dragons to defeat on a daily basis. A 10 year old me was scared of this: A 13 year old me was scared of this A 33 year old me is scared of these: What are you afraid of…?

5 Fear is OK!! It might be spiders, snakes, heights, clowns or it could be something like being afraid of walking into a roomful of people who you don’t know, or going outside. It may be a phobia so severe that it stops you from doing everything that you would love to do in your life. It is important to remember that the fear of a thing is often greater than the thing itself. That spider will certainly be more afraid of you than you are of it: look at the size difference! In that roomful of people, the ones you don’t know might hold the key to something really important for your future. Among the people in the room, there will also be those who are just as nervous as you are.

6 Overcoming our fears We may not like the idea of slaying dragons, but it may be possible to tame them. Sometimes, we are just a little afraid of something. That feeling of fear can be useful. How can I be brave in school: -Putting up your hand in class even if you’re not sure you have the right answer - Talking to someone who is seen as ‘unpopular’ - Asking for help from a teacher or joining a new club If you need help, just ask. Do not be afraid to be the best that you can be and always remember… a TOMATO cannot hurt you!!

7 Weekly year group awards…
KS3 Sophie Lee Gregsonwith 35 positives KS4: Liv Gale, Marian Gabor and Ashley Bates with 22 positives The top forms are: KS3: 7SB with 50 positives, 4 negatives and a ratio of 93% KS4: 11ST (3rd week) with 70 positives, 0 negatives and a ratio of 100%... A new school record!!

8 Have a good day!! 4 days to go…
Be sensible and make the most of the support from your teachers!! Last week we had: -Record numbers in Privilege Club -87% positives -A 30% drop in radio calls (you all stayed in class and were great!!). Have a good day!!

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