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Sunday School Theme: The Family Children and Intermediates

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1 Sunday School Theme: The Family Children and Intermediates
Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

2 The good testimony in family
“... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15b Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

3 Gave a good testimony, was full of faith and was close to Moses.
Joshua was born in Egypt. God delivered His people and he remained faithful in his walk until arriving in Canaan Gave a good testimony, was full of faith and was close to Moses. JOSHUA MOSES Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

4 Joshua’s family, saw in him a true servant of God.
He was chosen by his tribe to be one of the spies JOSHUA MOSES AVAILABLE ATTENTIVE OBEDIENT FAITHFUL DEFINED FULL OF FAITH ARE YOU GIVING A GOOD TESTIMONY TO YOUR FAMILY? Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

5 Why did God bring us to this land?
Ten spies came back talking about the many difficulties they saw in Canaan We will die in the Wilderness! Let’s go back to Egypt! Why did God bring us to this land? The people started to complain. It would be better to die in Egypt. Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

6 “If the Lord is pleased with us, He will
Joshua and Caleb believed in the promise and power of God. With Faith, they testified to all the people around them “If the Lord is pleased with us, He will put us in this land that flows with milk and honey.” JOSHUA CALEB Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

7 We need to be defined servants and we also need to believe in the Lord with all of our hearts
If we behave this way, we will see the blessings of God over our families. JESUS JESUS JESUS Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

8 The Lord wants to enter our homes and bless our families.
Let’s be like Joshua and testify that we serve a living and powerful God! The Lord wants to enter our homes and bless our families. Holy Bible Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

9 The most important thing in his life was to obey and serve God.
Joshua was chosen by God to substitute Moses and to help the people enter into the promised land The most important thing in his life was to obey and serve God. JOSHUA Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

10 “Me and my house will serve the Lord.”
Our position should always be the same as Joshua’s. Let’s believe in God and say: “Me and my house will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15b Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

11 Question to children and intermediates
What did Joshua say about his family when he remembered the good deeds of the Lord? Answer: “Me and my house will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15b Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 4th lesson

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