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Standardized Monitoring of DOTS components and TB financing

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Presentation on theme: "Standardized Monitoring of DOTS components and TB financing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Standardized Monitoring of DOTS components and TB financing
Holger Sawert 3rd Meeting DEWG, Montreal, 2002

2 Logical framework in TB control
Goal objectives activities inputs Eliminate TB as a public health problem detect and cure cases DOTS staff, equipment supplies Mortality, prevalence CDR, success rate ?

3 How can ‘DOTS’ be measured?
Five components commitment smear-Dx DOT SCC Recording/reporting Nine ‘basic operations’ NTP with central unit Plan/budget Manual recording/reporting training lab network DOT services drugs / Dx supplies supervision

4 Quantifying DOTS components

5 Sri Lanka - summary indicators

6 Sri Lanka - Management indicators


8 Logical framework in TB control
Goal objectives activities inputs Eliminate TB as a public health problem detect and cure cases DOTS staff, equipment supplies Mortality, prevalence CDR, success rate ?

9 Budgeting for DOTS programs

10 Determining the ‘funding gap’


12 Financial monitoring - round 1
22 HBCs contacted mid August 7 forms received by 3 October all forms with at least partial budget/infrastructure information 6 forms with complete budget data 2 forms with complete infrastructure information

13 Some preliminary statistics

14 Observations -round 1 Need better tools for standardized budgeting for core DOTS components difficulties in determining ‘infrastructure costs’


16 Is money enough?

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