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Parents of Galileo, Peake and Winston classes – welcome to Year Six.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents of Galileo, Peake and Winston classes – welcome to Year Six."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents of Galileo, Peake and Winston classes – welcome to Year Six.

2 The Current Year Six Team
Winston Miss Wilce, Mrs Colegate, Mrs Brown Peake Mrs Patel, Mrs Brown and Mrs Alcala Galileo Miss Marle and Mrs Stiff *Mrs Dey and Mrs Macnab will also be teaching Year 6 when covering SLT/ NQT time, CPD and absence

3 Y6 Curriculum English and mathematics daily*
Curriculum: Topic (History, Geography, Art, DT, Music) Science, RE, French, Computing, PSHE and PE. *Timetabling does change for special events and trips and during creative curriculum and celebration weeks.



6 Homework Expectations
Regular independent reading – reading aloud and discussing what they have read with an adult is essential. Children should use their Home-school Reading Diaries to record this. Regular times tables practise and maths tasks to consolidate learning. Regular grammar skills practise. Regular spelling investigations and practise. Reading diaries will be checked regularly. English and maths tasks will be marked with children in school.

7 Homework Expectations
All homework tasks set on Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. Children will be expected to attend “homework catch-up” at lunchtimes if they have not completed their task on time or to a high standard.

8 Presentation and Standards
Always smartly dressed in correct uniform – shirts always tucked in and ties always worn! Appropriate hair styles and hair accessories. No nail varnish. Correct school shoes and appropriate socks. Correct named PE kit at all times. Earrings must be removed or taped before school on PE days. Pride in their work (in every subject) and their appearance.

9 Behavioural Expectations
Being polite and respectful at all times to all members of the school community. Always putting in 100% effort in all subjects. Acting as ambassadors of the school and as role models for younger pupils.

10 New School Values: Kindness Respect Honesty Perseverance Friendship

11 Prefects An important role for Year 6 in The Discovery School in order to provide more opportunities for the children to be ambassadors of the school. Meet and greet, promoting Vision and Values and representing the school at events throughout the year. Special ties!

12 Rewards Rewards Merit system House Points
Stickers and certificates for excellent work, outstanding effort or demonstrating exceptional manners. Star of the Week, Discovery Award, DHT/HT’s award.

13 Sanctions Sanctions X3 de-merits = teacher’s sanction linked to missing break/ lunch Parent Contact - if deemed necessary. In addition, children will also be sent to Senior Leaders, Deputy Head then the Headteacher.

14 SATs Tests Week commencing Monday 13th May.
English – SPAG test (spelling, punctuation and grammar). Reading comprehension test. Writing – Teacher assessment of writing throughout the year. Maths – Paper 1 - Arithmetic, Paper 2 and 3 – Reasoning.

15 Provision Maps Children will receive differentiated provision based on their needs. Provision will be changed throughout the year. Most children’s learning needs will be covered through quality first teaching in class. Provision maps are published on the class web pages.


17 Messages from the Boss!!

18 E-safety and Online Use
Social Media can be a really useful and powerful tool for our parents to communicate with each other. However, please be mindful of it’s use to voice questions and concerns as this can be hurtful to staff, other parents and their children when used ineffectively. Often things can get blown out of proportion on social media, or inaccurate comments become seen as ‘fact’, snowballing anxiety. Coming to speak to us personally is a much more effective way to resolve any queries should you have them. Please also remember that when accompanying us on trips or out of school events, it is not appropriate to post anything on social media. Unfortunately in the past, we have had parents ‘check-in’ to our location, post pictures of their own or friends’ children, or update parents as to the whereabouts of a number of children when leaving an event. Whilst this is always intended positively, it can be a huge safety risk for us as a school and we ask that you trust us and follow this at all times. If any doubt – just ask.  At The Discovery School, we always want to promote the safe and effective use of social media in order to be role models for the children. Our priority is keeping our pupils, staff and parents safe and protected at all times.

19 s Governors have a duty to ensure that staff keep a good work life balance. Therefore, no s will be answered after 5pm Monday to Friday or at any time during weekends and holidays. Staff will respond to s within 48 hours. If the appears to be a complex matter, we will invite you to come into school and meet with us. If your enquiry is urgent please telephone the school office during the school day.

20 Holidays in term time The following information comes from KCC and applies to all Kent Schools. From September 2013 the Department for Education amended the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 removing the Head Teacher’s ability to authorise leave of absence for a family holiday. Regulations only allow the School to authorise absence (leave) in “exceptional circumstances”. An “exceptional circumstance” would have to be defined as an unavoidable cause e.g., a one-off emergency situation which prevents the child from attending school. Exceptional circumstances may include: Family Trauma, serious illness/death of a close relative/person to the family To attend a wedding of a close person to the family Attending functions in line with culture and or religion Where employer stipulates that holiday has to be taken during a set period (letter from employer is required as evidence)

21 What to do if you need to request leave of absence during term time
All requests for leave of absence must be made using the school leave of absence form which must be returned to the school office. ( requests without the correct form and supporting evidence will not be considered) The School will never normally authorise leave of absence in term time under the following circumstances: During assessment periods Where the child is persistently absent, including because of ill health (unless certified by medical evidence), existing attendance record will be considered in making the decision whether to grant the leave e.g. absence will not usually be authorised if it takes a pupil’s absence record below 90% Leave of absence taken without the School’s permission, or failure to return on the agreed date, will mean that the absence is unauthorised and marked as (G) unauthorised holiday. The deliberate taking of unauthorised leave in term time may result in parents/carers being liable to a penalty notice. Leave of absence taken without any notification to the school will be marked as (O) unauthorised absence and may still result in a penalty notice.

22 Lateness Late arrival in school is very disruptive to the whole class as all lessons start at 9am. Your child may also miss the introduction to the lesson. School gates open at 8:40am and close at 8:50am. If your child arrives after the gates are closed, they will be required to sign in at the main school office and provide a reason for their lateness. Arrival after this time will be marked as late (L) Arrival after 9am will be marked as an unauthorised late (U) Persistent lateness will be addressed by the Head Teacher and possibly the Education Welfare Officer. If you know that your child will be late e.g. a medical appointment, please let the office know so that it can be authorised.

23 2018/19 Secondary Admissions

24 Key Dates for Parents Results of the Kent Test will be ed/ posted first class to parents on Thursday 11th October The deadline for all secondary applications is Wednesday 31st October 2018. National offer day will be on Friday 1st March You will be sent an from the LA after 4.00pm and letters will be sent on this day by first class post. Offers should be accepted or declined by Friday 15th March The school recommends that you accept the offer, even if you are appealing for an alternative school place. The deadline for lodging parent appeals is Friday 29th March 2019.

25 Action to take now Go online to the KCC information on secondary admissions and the online admissions site Visit school open events Find out more about your preferred schools Talk to other parents Talk to us Ensure you complete your SCAF by the deadline of midnight 31st October!

26 Contact information Secondary Admissions Team: School DCSF Number: 886/2065

27 The Y6 Residential trip will take place on Friday 7th – Monday 10th June 2019.

28 Windmill Hill East Sussex

29 Welcome to PGL The UK’s largest provider of outdoor education for young people Over 55 years’ experience Fully risk assessed LOtC Quality Badge holder Founding member of BAPA ABTA bonded PGL provides a wide range of inspiring residential adventure and educational courses for more than 5,000 groups every year All PGL centres and activities are risk assessed to comply with legal requirements and best practice. Risk assessments are available by request and on the PGL website Centres are subject to the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority regulations (AALA) where appropriate ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents) bonded means your money is protected BAPA – British Activity Providers Association. Responsible for establishing operating guidelines for the activity holiday industry Through the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge Programme you can be confident that recognised providers fulfil all the necessary criteria as laid down by the DfE, thereby better enabling Party Leaders to manage visits safely, efficiently and beneficially

30 Windmill Hill – East Sussex
LEARNING OUTSIDE Windmill Hill – East Sussex 23 fantastic adventure activities to choose from Large indoor sports hall Lakes for watersports and outdoor heated pool Explore the 360 Virtual Tour to see inside the centre and view activity information and videos

31 The PGL difference Dedicated PGL ‘Groupie’ to provide support throughout stay Tailor-made programmes All accommodation, food, activities and instruction included Free evening entertainment 24 hour support from centre team Each group will have a PGL Groupie who will look after guests for the duration of their stay All accommodation, food, equipment and instruction is included in the price of the trip Activities are chosen to suit the requirements of the group 4 x 1 ½ hour activity sessions every day A full evening entertainment programme run by PGL staff includes discos, talent shows and quizzes

32 Multi-Activity 4 action-packed adventure activity sessions per day
Evening entertainment Great for personal development & confidence building Increases motivation & appetite for learning Benefits of a multi-activity course include: - improved self confidence - improved team-building skills - better peer group relationships - raised self esteem - increased motivation

33 Adventure activities Abseiling Climbing Raft Building Aeroball
Eco Trail Rifle Shooting All Aboard Fencing Sensory Trail Aquafun Giant Swing Sports and Team Games Archery Hiking Trapeze BMX Jacob’s Ladder Tunnel Trail Canoeing Orienteering Zip Wire Challenge Course Problem Solving The activities shown offer individual as well as team challenges Activities are designed to encourage new skills and develop existing ones Specific activities can be requested (though not guaranteed) and the programme is discussed on arrival at the centre

34 Evening entertainment
50/50 Karaoke Ambush Passport to the World Space Hopper Football Battle of Windmill Hill Quiz Campfire Robot Wars Top Gear Capture the Flag Scrapheap Challenge Ultimate Frisbee Casino Night Shoe Golf Wacky Races Disco Snapchat Challenge

35 Accommodation Lodges – en suite rooms sleep 5-6
Accommodation for Windmill Hill can be viewed in the 360 virtual tour: The centre can accommodate 445 guests at a time with accommodation in the our purpose-built lodges. Teachers are usually accommodated in twin rooms with en suite and hot drink facilities All rooms are lockable (party leader given master key) All exterior doors and gates are locked at night but can be opened from the inside in an emergency without the need for unlocking A PGL staff member is available on duty throughout the night (contactable by phone) The extensive facilities (other than activity bases) are available to your group during free time

36 Facilities Heated outdoor swimming pool On-site adventure activities
2000m2 sports hall Disco Indoor games / recreation area Shop Sports pitches Classrooms / meeting rooms Purpose-built BMX track

37 Catering and dietary needs
3 nutritious, balanced meals per day Self-service salad bar Vegetarian option Special diets catered for by prior arrangement Sample menus available online: We continually invest in healthy menus with freshly cooked ingredients obtained from fully traceable audited suppliers Processed food is avoided and meals meet Local Authority guidelines There will be hot and cold options available at every meal At lunch and dinner the buffet includes a salad bar and mixed fruit basket plus hot and cold drinks Our caterers can deal with most dietary requirements but please ensure the party leader is aware of any dietary requirements well in advance More food is always available if required

38 Health & safety The PGL Code of Practice describes all safety and operational procedures both on and off-site including: Please see Code of Practice for further detail All centres and activities are fully risk assessed every year The PGL Code of Practice details all the control measures put in place to minimise risk Sample risk assessments are available on line and specific assessments are available from PGL on request Staff-to-pupil ratios comply with recognised industry standards Operating procedures all comply with recognised industry standards and National Governing Body guidelines where these are relevant PGL recruitment officers have extensive experience at a senior level on centre and make selections based on a detailed application form Two formal written references are taken and applicants have to provide documentary evidence of all qualifications claimed All offers of employment are subject to DBS checks, the successful completion of pre-employment training and a favourable probationary period All our instructors are specifically trained for our programmes to ensure the delivery of safe and rewarding sessions across a wide range of activities At every PGL centre there is an experienced and professional Centre Manager (supported by Senior Staff) who is in charge of centre operations and has overall responsibility for the success of the course and the performance of our staff It is the policy of PGL to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and security of all guests and staff on our centres (details in Code of Practice) Each centre has at least two First Aid staff who hold the “First Aid at Work” qualification and in addition all our instructors and group leaders complete an 8 hour first aid course. Party Leaders and teachers will ultimately remain responsible for the administration of first aid to their party members There are rigorous general accident and emergency procedures in place Through the Quality Badge Programme you can be confident that recognised providers fulfil all the necessary criteria as laid down by the DfE, thereby better enabling Party Leaders to manage visits safely, efficiently and beneficially Sample risk assessments Site security Staff-to-pupil ratios First Aid procedures Operating procedures Emergency procedures Staff vetting & training

39 Please see Code of Practice for further detail All centres and activities are fully risk assessed every year The PGL Code of Practice details all the control measures put in place to minimise risk Sample risk assessments are available on line and specific assessments are available from PGL on request Staff-to-pupil ratios comply with recognised industry standards Operating procedures all comply with recognised industry standards and National Governing Body guidelines where these are relevant PGL recruitment officers have extensive experience at a senior level on centre and make selections based on a detailed application form Two formal written references are taken and applicants have to provide documentary evidence of all qualifications claimed All offers of employment are subject to DBS checks, the successful completion of pre-employment training and a favourable probationary period All our instructors are specifically trained for our programmes to ensure the delivery of safe and rewarding sessions across a wide range of activities At every PGL centre there is an experienced and professional Centre Manager (supported by Senior Staff) who is in charge of centre operations and has overall responsibility for the success of the course and the performance of our staff It is the policy of PGL to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and security of all guests and staff on our centres (details in Code of Practice) Each centre has at least two First Aid staff who hold the “First Aid at Work” qualification and in addition all our instructors and group leaders complete an 8 hour first aid course. Party Leaders and teachers will ultimately remain responsible for the administration of first aid to their party members There are rigorous general accident and emergency procedures in place Through the Quality Badge Programme you can be confident that recognised providers fulfil all the necessary criteria as laid down by the DfE, thereby better enabling Party Leaders to manage visits safely, efficiently and beneficially

40 Please see Code of Practice for further detail All centres and activities are fully risk assessed every year The PGL Code of Practice details all the control measures put in place to minimise risk Sample risk assessments are available on line and specific assessments are available from PGL on request Staff-to-pupil ratios comply with recognised industry standards Operating procedures all comply with recognised industry standards and National Governing Body guidelines where these are relevant PGL recruitment officers have extensive experience at a senior level on centre and make selections based on a detailed application form Two formal written references are taken and applicants have to provide documentary evidence of all qualifications claimed All offers of employment are subject to DBS checks, the successful completion of pre-employment training and a favourable probationary period All our instructors are specifically trained for our programmes to ensure the delivery of safe and rewarding sessions across a wide range of activities At every PGL centre there is an experienced and professional Centre Manager (supported by Senior Staff) who is in charge of centre operations and has overall responsibility for the success of the course and the performance of our staff It is the policy of PGL to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and security of all guests and staff on our centres (details in Code of Practice) Each centre has at least two First Aid staff who hold the “First Aid at Work” qualification and in addition all our instructors and group leaders complete an 8 hour first aid course. Party Leaders and teachers will ultimately remain responsible for the administration of first aid to their party members There are rigorous general accident and emergency procedures in place Through the Quality Badge Programme you can be confident that recognised providers fulfil all the necessary criteria as laid down by the DfE, thereby better enabling Party Leaders to manage visits safely, efficiently and beneficially

41 Payments The total cost of the trip including transport will be approximately £230. An initial deposit of £30 is due on Wednesday 19th September. A payment plan will be finalised once we know numbers and have secured the trip with the initial deposit.

42 Thank you for coming! Any questions?

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