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PARCC Training Modules
Welcome to: “Introduction To PARCC Training Modules.” This module will provide an overview of all the different training modules available for the PARCC Assessments. Introduction To PARCC Training Modules
Role-Based Key Role-Based Codes
Each Training Module displays user key role icons in the lower right-hand corner of each screen. This allows you to quickly identify if the content of the screen is appropriate for your user role. Role-Based Codes LEA Test Coordinator – School Test Coordinator – Test Administrator/Proctor – LEA and School Technology Coordinator – Accommodations Coordinator – Understanding where to find available material is key to successful training, so we created a key to help identify which materials are appropriate for each role. These color coded icons will identify material relevant to each role throughout this training. For example, if you see a blue square with initials “TA,” content is applicable to Test Administrators and Proctors. This “Introduction to Training” module is applicable to all roles. Note: roles within your organization may differ, these are suggestions to help identify training needs.
Agenda Purpose Training Navigation Controls Acronyms Dictionary
Available Training Modules PARCC Assessments Roles & Responsibilities Test Your Knowledge We will provide an overview of the training module navigation controls, present what training modules are available, and cover roles and responsibilities for the PARCC Assessments.
Purpose This is our introduction to PARCC training modules.
By the end of this training module, you will be able to: navigate and use the features of each training module look up commonly used PARCC Acronyms know the responsibilities for each role The purpose of this training module is to introduce the available PARCC training modules. By the end of this training module, you will be able to: navigate and utilize the features of each functional training module look up common PARCC Acronyms know the responsibilities for each role
Training Navigation Controls
Play/Pause Progress Bar Rewind Volume Full Screen Each PARCC Training Module is presented via an online presentation player. This format allows for easy viewing from a computer screen or tablet. We will now review the training navigation controls. When starting the module, note the controls in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen: The Play/Pause control allows for pausing and playing of the current screen. The Progress Bar displays the progress of the current screen as well as the screen number and the duration. The Volume control allows you to adjust the audio of the presentation. The Full Screen control allows you to maximize the screen content and hide the Outline Navigation sidebar.
Outline Sidebar Outline Sidebar Functions:
1. OUTLINE tab provides table of contents view for the module. 2. NOTES tab provides text for narration. On the right of each module, you will find the Outline sidebar. This provides a table of contents with nested chapters for some topics. Clicking on the arrow on nested chapters will allow you to expand and collapse these chapters. Clicking on the Notes tab allows you to display the text of this audio narration. You can then click on the Outline tab to return to the normal Outline sidebar view.
Full Screen Controls Play/Pause Next Previous Rewind Minimize
Clicking the Full Screen control will maximize the screen content and display a vertical controls bar. The Play/Pause control allows for pausing and playing of the current screen. The Next control will allow you to skip ahead to the next screen. The Previous control will allow you to return to the previous screen. The Minimize control allows you to return to normal presentation screen, which displays the Outline Navigation sidebar.
Training Navigation Controls
Multiple ways to navigate through each training module: 1. One screen at a time using the PREV and NEXT buttons. 2. Select specific titled screens in the Outline Navigation sidebar. You can navigate the training module in three ways. If viewing one screen at a time, you can utilize the Prev and Next button in the lower right-hand corner of the display or you can select specific titled screens by browsing the Outline sidebar and clicking on the individual screen.
Training Navigation Controls
Multiple ways to navigate through each training module: 3. Use the Search field with targeted word searches. The “Search…” field allows for targeted word searches. Each search result that appears is a slide that you can click on. To reset the search function, click the X icon in the Search field and the original Outline sidebar will display.
Commonly used PARCC Acronyms
Name CBT Computer-Based Test PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers CCR College and Career Ready PBA Performance-Based Assessment CCSS Common Core State Standards PBT Paper-Based Test ELA English Language Arts PNP Personal Needs Profile ELA/L English Language Arts/Literacy SEA State Education Agency EOY End of Year SRI Student Registration Import LEA Local Education Agency STC School Test Coordinator LP Large Print TA Test Administrator LTC* LEA Test Coordinator TAM Test Administrator Manual TCM Test Coordinator Manual In each training module, a PARCC Acronyms Dictionary is available. Typing “acronyms dictionary” in the Search field will allow you to quickly find this feature in all of the training modules. These acronyms are referenced alphabetically. Please review these acronyms and become familiar with PARCC’s commonly used terms. For example, click on “PBT,” and notice this is the acronym for Paper-Based Test. Please note that going forward the District Test Coordinators will be referred to as the LEA Test Coordinator or LTC. Continue to view any acronyms and then press next to continue the training. *Note: District Test Coordinators will be referred to as LEA Test Coordinators throughout this presentation.
Available Training Modules
Accessibility Features and Accommodations – The Accessibility Features and Accommodations modules will prepare staff on assigning or administering accessibility features or accommodations for eligible students in the PARCC Assessments. Administration of Computer-Based Assessments for Test Coordinators – The Administration of Computer-Based Assessment for Test Coordinators module guides LEA or School Test Coordinators through the steps necessary to prepare for, implement, and complete the PARCC Assessments for Computer-Based Testing. PARCC Paper-Based Testing; Administration Training for Test Coordinators – The purpose of this training module is to guide LEA or School Test Coordinators through the steps necessary to prepare for, and administer the PARCC Assessments for Paper-Based Testing. In addition to this training module, we have created twelve other training modules to help guide you through PARCC Paper-Based Assessments. Accessibility Features and Accommodations: The Accessibility Features and Accommodations modules will prepare staff on assigning or administering accessibility features or accommodations for eligible students in the PARCC Assessments. Administration of Computer-Based Assessments for Test Coordinators: The Administration of Computer-Based Assessment for Test Coordinators module guides LEA or School Test Coordinators through the steps necessary to prepare for, implement, and complete the PARCC Assessments for Computer-Based Testing. PARCC Paper-Based Testing; Administration Training for Test Coordinators: The purpose of this training module is to guide LEA or School Test Coordinators through the steps necessary to prepare for, and administer the PARCC Assessments for Paper-Based Testing.
Available Training Modules
Administration Training of Computer-Based Assessments for Test Administrators – The Administration of Computer-Based Assessment for Test Administrators module guides Test Administrators through the steps necessary to prepare for, and administer the PARCC Assessments for Paper-Based Testing. PARCC Paper-Based Testing; Administration Training for Test Administrators – The purpose of this training module is to guide Test Administrators through the steps necessary to prepare for, and administer the PARCC Assessments for Paper-Based Testing. Student Registration Import Training – This presentation will cover preparing and uploading student registration data to PearsonAccessnext through a system file. Administration Training of Computer-Based Assessments for Test Administrators: The Administration of Computer-Based Assessment for Test Administrators module guides Test Administrators through the steps necessary to prepare for, and administer the PARCC Assessments for Paper-Based Testing. PARCC Paper-Based Testing; Administration Training for Test Administrators: The purpose of this training module is to guide Test Administrators through the steps necessary to prepare for, and administer the PARCC Assessments for Paper-Based Testing. Student Registration Import Training: This presentation will cover preparing and uploading student registration data to PearsonAccessnext through a system file.
Available Training Modules
Personal Needs Profile Training – This module will cover preparing and uploading the Personal Needs Profile data to PearsonAccessnext through a system file. It will also demonstrate applying accommodations to currently registered students in PearsonAccessnext. PearsonAccessnext Training – The PearsonAccessnext module guides users through PearsonAccessnext on steps to create and manage staff accounts, organization information, test sessions, and student registration. Student Readiness Resources for PARCC – The Student Readiness Resources for PARCC module will guide districts and schools to the tools available to prepare students and educators with simulation experience of PARCC assessments. Personal Needs Profile Training: This module will cover preparing and uploading the Personal Needs Profile data to PearsonAccessnext through a system file. It will also demonstrate applying accommodations to currently registered students in PearsonAccessnext. PearsonAccessnext Training: The PearsonAccessnext module guides users through PearsonAccessnext on steps to create and manage staff accounts, organization information, test sessions, and student registration. Student Readiness Resources for PARCC: The Student Readiness Resources for PARCC module will guide districts and schools to the tools available to prepare students and educators with simulation experience of PARCC assessments.
Available Training Modules
Proctor Caching & TestNav Configuration Training – Provides a technical overview of Proctor Caching, the SystemCheck Tool, and TestNav Configuration in PearsonAccessnext. Infrastructure Trials: Running a Dress Rehearsal – Guides schools and districts through a beginning to end practice run of completing the PARCC assessments. Technology Readiness for Schools & Districts – The Technology Readiness module is a guide that helps organizations understand, manage, and make decisions in preparing schools and their technology to be used for online testing. Proctor Caching & TestNav Configuration Training: Provides a technical overview of Proctor Caching, the SystemCheck Tool, and TestNav Configuration in PearsonAccessnext. Infrastructure Trials: Running a Dress Rehearsal: Guides schools and districts through a beginning to end practice run of completing the PARCC assessments. Technology Readiness for Schools & Districts: The Technology Readiness module is a guide that helps organizations understand, manage, and make decisions in preparing schools and their technology to be used for online testing.
Available Training Modules
Modules related to Paper-Based Assessment PearsonAccessnext Training – Provides an overview of the PearsonAccessnext system, the online portal for all PARCC Assessments. This module guides users through PearsonAccessnext on steps to create and manage staff accounts, organization information, test sessions, and student registration. Student Registration Import Training – This presentation will cover preparing and uploading student registration data to PearsonAccessnext through a system file. The Process of uploading Student Registration Data is referred to as Student Registration Import In PearsonAccessnext. In addition to this training module, we have created twelve other training modules to help guide you through PARCC Paper-Based Assessments. PearsonAccessnext Training: The purpose of this training module is to provide an overview of the PearsonAccessnext system, the online portal for all PARCC Assessments. This module guides users through PearsonAccessnext on steps to create and manage staff accounts, organization information, test sessions, and student registration. Student Registration Import Training: This presentation will cover preparing and uploading student registration data to PearsonAccessnext through a system file. The Process of uploading Student Registration Data is referred to as Student Registration Import In PearsonAccessnext.
Training Plan Administration of Computer-Based Assessments for Test Coordinators PARCC Paper-Based Testing; Administration Training for Test Coordinators Administration Training of Computer-Based Assessments for Test Administrators PARCC Paper-Based Testing; Administration Training for Test Administrators PearsonAccessnext Training Student Registration Import Training Personal Needs Profile Training Accessibility Features and Accommodations Student Readiness Resources for PARCC Technology Readiness for Schools & Districts Infrastructure Trials: Running a Dress Rehearsal Proctor Caching & TestNav Configuration Training Now that we have reviewed the twelve training modules available, we should consider a training plan for your organization. Based on your role in the PARCC Administration, select modules in the suggested order shown here. For example in the beginning, review Administration modules for Test Coordinators, then move on to the PearsonAccessnext Training and Student Registration Import Training modules. As you go through each module, note that each module has one or more quiz sections. These quizzes are not required in order to complete the training module.
Test Schedule Testing Windows for the PARCC 2015 Spring Administration
Test windows differ by state. Check with your state for more information. It is the Test Coordinator’s responsibility to communicate the school testing schedule. Test windows differ by State. Check with your state for more information. If you have any questions about your state’s testing dates, please refer to your state policy under the Testing Window section of the Test Coordinator Manual or check with your LEA Test Coordinator.
LEA and School Test Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities
LEA and School Test Coordinator – individual responsible for the overall coordination of the test administration Test Administrator – individual at the school responsible for administering the assessment Proctor – individual who assists the Test Administrator monitor a testing unit Refer to the Testing Manual for your State-specific policy A LEA and School Test Coordinator is the one individual at the school level responsible for the overall coordination of the test administration. A Test Administrator is an individual at the school responsible for administering the assessment, the upcoming PARCC Assessment. States may also have roles such as Test Examiner or Test Proctor, but PARCC uses the term Test Administrator. During each test unit, Test Administrators must actively supervise the test administration at all times regardless of the presence of a Proctor. A Proctor is an individual who may be called on to help a Test Administrator monitor a testing unit under the supervision of the Test Administrator. States may also have a similar role, such as a Test Assistant. Refer to the Test Administrator/Test Coordinator Manuals for more information about State-specific Qualifications for which individuals may serve as a Test Administrator or Proctor.
LEA and School Test Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities
LEA and/or School Test Coordinator Primary Responsibilities: Authorize and manage test administration personnel Complete necessary training Understand all test administration protocols Develop and coordinate test administration schedule Inform staff and students of test schedule and policies Manage test materials (e.g., ordering, receiving, inventorying) Implement a security plan including a chain of custody process A Test Coordinator’s primary responsibility is to oversee and coordinate a test administration. Specific responsibilities include: Manage individuals who are involved in the test administration, including Test Administrators and Proctors. Complete necessary training to understand PARCC’s test security and administration policies and procedures and train test administration individuals, including special education staff, in test security and administration protocols. Understand all test administration protocols for before, during, and after testing. Develop and coordinate the school’s test administration schedule, including make-up units. Inform students and staff of the test schedule and materials that are appropriate for testing; explain the possible reasons for test invalidation and any other policies they need to know prior to testing. Receive, inventory, and distribute test materials. Dependent on your user account’s “add on role,” you may order accommodated and additional test materials. Develop and implement a security plan by following all protocols in the Test Administration Manual related to security, including investigating testing irregularities and reporting security breaches. Collect a signed Security Agreement from each individual authorized to be involved in the test administration. Refer to the Test Coordinator Manual for more information about these responsibilities and how to carry them out. Refer to your State-specific Appendix for additional responsibilities in your state.
Test Administrator Roles & Responsibilities
Test Administrator Primary Responsibilities: Complete training Understand all test administration protocols Distribute testing materials Ensure appropriate implementation and documentation of testing accommodations Read test administration scripts Supervise students Maintain test security protocols The primary responsibilities of Test Administrators include: Complete necessary training to understand PARCC’s test security and administration policies and procedures. Understand all test administration protocols for before, during, and after testing. Distribute testing materials. Ensure appropriate implementation and documentation of testing accommodations, when applicable. Read scripts as written in the TAM and keeping accurate time for each test unit. Actively supervise students at all times during testing. Maintain test security protocols and ensure collection of test materials. Refer to the Test Administrator Manual for more information about these responsibilities and how to carry them out. Refer to your State- specific Appendix for additional responsibilities in your state.
Proctor Roles & Responsibilities
Proctor Primary Responsibilities: Maintain Test Security Complete Training Follow Security Protocol Assist Test Administrator A Proctor’s primary responsibilities are: To maintain test security, Complete Training, Follow Security Protocol, and And assist the Test Administrator. Refer to the Test Administrator Manual for more information about these responsibilities and how to carry them out. Refer to your State-specific Appendix for additional responsibilities in your state.
Test Your knowledge What is the name of the role for an individual at the school responsible for administering the assessment? Proctor LEA Test Coordinator Test Administrator Which training module helps organizations understand, manage, and make decisions in preparing schools and their technology to be used for online testing. PearsonAccessnext Training Student Registration Import Training Administration Training for Test Administrators Technology Readiness for Schools & Districts Match the following commonly used terms with their acronym: (to be scrambled) STC – School Test Coordinator PBT – Paper-Based Test LEA – Local Education Agency LP – Large Print TAM – Test Administrator Manual CBT – Computer-Based Test Which training module will guide you through the steps to create and manage user accounts? Administration Training for Test Coordinators
We have discussed the training module navigation controls and what training modules are available. We have also reviewed roles and responsibilities for the PARCC Assessments. This concludes the Introduction To PARCC Training Modules. Thank you! Thank you
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