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KPHLI Change is hard September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "KPHLI Change is hard September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 KPHLI Change is hard September 2015

2 IOM recommendations for a minimum package
All levels of government should endorse the need for a minimum package of public health services that includes foundational capabilities and an array of basic programs that no health department should be without. Stakeholder process to determine elements of the Minimum Package, made up of foundational capabilities and basic programs

3 Washington State David Fleming


5 How Public Health in Kentucky is Funded
State Federal Local Medicaid Grants!!! Medicare

6 How to get the Most Bang for our Buck


8 Is 47th good enough for Kentucky?

9 Current Smokers – 28.3% Current High School Smokers – 24.1%

10 We spend the 15th greatest amount per capita ($43
We spend the 15th greatest amount per capita ($43.19) to be 45th in health status.

11 Ideal Public Health Department
$ David Fleming, Washington State

12 Actual Public Health Department
$ David Fleming, Washington State

13 Current State of the Public’s Health in Kentucky
Decentralized local public health system; Chronic under-funding of Public Health; Acute state and local budget reductions; Vulnerability of a pool of state dollars for core support of local Public Health services; Proposed elimination of these resources in legislative session after session.

14 Change will not happen immediately or without pain..
What do we need to be doing at a minimum? Be specific enough on what needs to be in place to determine its cost. Realize that the current structure may not survive.

15 Access to and Linkage w/
Framework Additional Services Chronic Disease & Injury Prev Comm Disease Control Maternal Child Family Health Environ- mental Public Health Access to and Linkage w/ Clinical Care Foundational Public Health Programs Across all Programs Assessment (surveillance and epidemiology) Emergency preparedness and response (all hazards) Communications Policy development and support Community partnership development Organizational/business competencies (governance, equity, IT, HR, etc.) Foundational Public Health Capabilities

16 Access to and Linkage w/
Framework Additional Services Chronic Disease & Injury Prev Comm Disease Control Maternal Child Family Health Environ- mental Public Health Access to and Linkage w/ Clinical Care Foundational Public Health Programs Across all Programs Assessment (surveillance and epidemiology) Emergency preparedness and response (all hazards) Communications Policy development and support Community partnership development Organizational/business competencies (governance, equity, IT, HR, etc.) Foundational Public Health Capabilities

17 Access to and Linkage w/
Framework Additional Services Chronic Disease & Injury Prev Comm Disease Control Maternal Child Family Health Environ- mental Public Health Access to and Linkage w/ Clinical Care Foundational Public Health Responsibilities Across all Programs Assessment (surveillance and epidemiology) Emergency preparedness and response (all hazards) Communications Policy development and support Community partnership development Organizational/business competencies (governance, equity, IT, HR, etc.) Foundational Public Health Capabilities

18 Framework Additional Services Foundational Programs
Chronic Disease & Injury Prev Comm Disease Control Maternal Child Family Health Environ- mental Public Health Access to Clinical Care Foundational Programs Across all Programs Assessment (surveillance and epidemiology) Emergency preparedness and response (all hazards) Communications Policy development and support Community partnership development Business competencies Foundational Capabilities


20 Access to and Linkage w/
Framework Across all Programs Assessment (surveillance and epidemiology) - 844, 890 Emergency preparedness and response (all hazards) - 746, 747, 749, 757, 759, 763, 771, 815, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825 Communications Policy development and support – 836, 890 Community partnership development – 735, 736, 740, 756, 761, 837, 893 Organizational/business competencies (governance, equity, IT, HR, etc.) – 724, 750, 888, 894, 897, 898 Chronic Disease & Injury Prev Comm Disease Control Maternal Child /Family Health Environmental Public Health Access to and Linkage w/ Clinical Care Programs/Activities specific to Local Community Need Cost Centers – 715, 718, 730, 748, 769, 810, 813, 858, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 882, 891 801, 806, 807, 842, 843, 845 722, 723, 738, 765, 805, 809, 818, 832, 836, 841, 856, 857 500, 520, 540, 560, 580, 591 760, 766, 767, 768, 803, 804, 808, 816, 833, 848, 852, 853, 854 712, 741, 770, 800, 802, 811, 883 Additional Services Foundational Public Health Programs “Responsibilities” Foundational Public Health Capabilities Regardless of Cost Center: Function Code Assessment; Function Codes 173, 175 – Policy Development; Function 123 – Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention

21 Current $ $33.38 Projected $ $56.53

22 Current $ $49.93 Projected $ $81.79


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