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Presentation of Guidelines for procurement at The University of Oslo Department of Psychology Tori N Sandlie Jacob M Landsvik.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of Guidelines for procurement at The University of Oslo Department of Psychology Tori N Sandlie Jacob M Landsvik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of Guidelines for procurement at The University of Oslo Department of Psychology Tori N Sandlie Jacob M Landsvik

2 Public procurement is regulated by The Public Procurement Act to prevent actions in the form of unethical behavior, violation of industry ethics, human rights violations, financial adultery and corruption UiO is a member of The Ethical Trade Initiative, The Swan (the official Nordic ecolabel), Green Dot Norway plc. and Transparency Norway

3 Quality development of the purchase process
Assess the consequences and likelihood that unwanted incidents occur and implement risk mitigation measures Risikostyring

4 National thresholds Trigger different procedures and guidelines:
< is not required to competitive tendering e.g. single purchase, purchased once (but it is advised that a formal request is sent to 3-5 suppliers to ensure that the best offer is received) > send your inquiry to the section for purchasing > must be published throughout the EEA

5 The procurement process
NB! > must be published in Doffin/TED No agreement Startup of procurement / start-up meeting anskaffelsesprosess/oppstartmøte Agreement Mini-competition / Order in the e-commerce solution Need Value Order in e-commerce / account string / receipt Note! It is not allowed to divide the acquisition into smaller acquisitions to fall below the thresholds

6 –Category Team – interdisciplinary procurement team–
Involvement is “key” "UIOs professional competence and the need for goods and services combined with the Purchasing Sections expertise, experience and creativity is the best starting point for a successful process - if it is planned" Involvering Det gode innkjøp Fag-området Innkjøp Develop categorization strategies with proper organization and responsibility distribution between largest user and SI –Category Team – interdisciplinary procurement team–

7 Involvement and procurement
Develop specification, requirements and criteria New acquisition based on needs Experience from previous contract Create Request Basis & Contract Check supplier requirements and prices Offer submission and opening Suppliers prepare offers Publish Evaluate against set criteria Publish contract award Assign contract Establish an agreement Manage any changes Place items or services in order Manage the agreement Export contract data to the ordering system

8 Purchaser's Job No. Prevent Uncover Correct -errors and omissions
to ensure that UiO achieves the best price and quality available in the current market

9 Prevention Risk and vulnerability analyzes within the areas of
Electronic system support Purchase to pay The procurement process Knowledge Building Difi, Kluge Advokatkontor, SAS International, Anbud 365 Internal training – Super User Forum og Purchasing forum Part time studies in Public procurement Imposed use of system support

10 Uncover Follow-up of person with budget deployment authority
30 minutes meetings with all purchasing units 2 x per year Invoice Verification Tertial control of invoices over NOK 100,000 eks VAT. Documentation is reported to all Faculty Directors Purchase analysis Annual Purchase Analysis Continuous check of agreed price at invoiced price, contract coverage, contractual loyalty, use of correct agreements

11 Advisable corrections
Take corrective action after ROS analyzes Provide assistance to faculties for improvements after comments made in the invoice control Further develop and update templates etc. Provide finance executives with relevant reports and consumption / consumption patterns, error buying and incorrect connection to buying from the existing framework agreements and so on

12 Documents for the management of procurement

13 Management requirements
The state's financial regulation 5.3 Procurement The company, UiO, must establish systems and procedures to ensure that procurement of goods and services takes place in an efficient and responsible manner Authorizations and organization of work must be documented, and methods and measures that intend to prevent, detect and correct errors and deficiencies in the systems and practices must be established

14 Changed behavior gives results
NOK 182 million. Total savings the last 6 years Of which 39 million is saved in the section of purchasing by reducing permanent positions, no use of consultancy services and 143 million in savings from better framework agreements De siste 10 årene har vi jobbet systematisk med å rigge organisasjonen for å gjøre smartere og bedre innkjøp. De siste 5 årene har resultatene vist seg tydelig. Vi har spart 182 millioner kroner akkumulert. (1143 millioner er penger spart på grunn av bedre rammeavtaler. 39 millioner er penger spart i innkjøpsseksjonen og i regnskapsavdelingen.)


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