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2 Prepared by MIR RAFIUL ISLAM Satkhira
Assist. teacher in Computer Satkhira Police Line Secondary School. Satkhira

3 Class – 9 Subject – English 1st Paper Lesson – The Shat Gambuj Mosque

4 Objectives : By the end of the lesson the students will able to
- description about the Shat Gombuj Masque. write some new words and make sentence with them. - say about Khan Jahan Ali. - interest to visit historical instants

5 What can you see in the picture ?


7 The Shat Gambuj Mosque

8 Mangrove-A forest of salt water
Some vocabulary Mangrove-A forest of salt water Seacoast –A long place by the sea side Torchbearer - Pioneer leader Fabric - Design

9 Mangrove - A forest of salt water

10 Seacoast – A long place of the sea side

11 Torchbearer – Pioneer leader

12 Design Fabric -

13 Tank - Pond

14 Some important points of Shat Gambuj Masque

15 In side the domb Domb

16 Some important points of Shat Gambuj Masque
Colunm Arche

17 Some Terracotta of Shat Gambuj Mosque

18 Pair Work Match the following words Fabric Pious Saint Design
Sea-coast Pillar Column Beach

19 Pair Work(Feedback) Match the following words Fabric Design Saint
Pious Sea-coast Beach Column Pillar

20 Group Work Write a paragraph based on the information about The Shat Gamboj Mosque. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words. Fabric Sea-coast Domb Arched Torchbearer

21 Evaluation Who is Ulugh Khan Jahan?
Where is The Shat Gambuj Mosque situated? Why is The Shat Gambuj Mosque famous for? When was the Muslim Colony founded ?

22 Home work Write the main idea of The Shat Gambuj Mosque

23 Thanks

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