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Presentation 3 Reliability Analysis

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1 Presentation 3 Reliability Analysis
R. Nielsen

2 Variables HMA Dynamic Modulus, E* Binder Dynamic Shear Modulus, G*
Gyratory Stability, GS Maximum Specific Gravity, Gmm Binder Content, Pb% Air Voids, AV%

3 Reliability Analysis Approach
Determine the probability distributions of tested variables. where, fx(x): Probability Density. x: Random Variable. μ: Sample Mean. σ: Sample Standard Deviation.

4 Reliability Analysis Approach (cont.)
Generate Random Variables Using Simulation (e.g Latin Hypercube Sampling, 100,000 random variables). Use Generated variables to predict E*. Compare permanent deformation determined using actual versus predicted E* values. Permanent Deformation will be determined using the 2002 AASHTO Design Guide (MEPDG) prediction models. Statement 4 needs to be clarified. I think “actual” refers to the deformation from the AASHTO design guide, while the “predicted” E* comes from AAA’s model. Both quantities are random variables.

5 probability distributions

6 HMA Dynamic Modulus, E* Ultimately, we’ll want to plot both the probability distribution and the experimental histograms for this data.

7 Binder Dynamic Shear Modulus, G*

8 Gyratory Stability

9 Maximum Specific Gravity

10 Air Voids, AV%

11 Normal Distributed Variables
Mean, μ Std. Dev., σ Gyratory Stability, GS (kN.m) 14.83 1.443 Maximum Specific Gravity, Gmm 2.434 0.0202 Binder Content, Pb% 4.69% 0.364% Air Voids, AV% 7.1% 0.279%

12 Lognormal Distributed Variables
Temperature, °C Mean, μ Std. Dev., σ Dynamic Modulus, E* (MPa) 4.4 21.1 37.8 802.90 54.4 Dynamic Shear Modulus, G* (MPa) 3.1683 3.6721 0.2340 0.2973

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