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Welcome to Year 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5

2 Meet the team: Mrs Sharma/ Mrs Chestnutt Mrs Hammel Mr Steele Miss Bryant Mrs Ali Mrs Pillai

3 Expectations for Year 5 Everyone will try their best Everyone will come to school on time Everyone will complete their homework Everyone will keep positive Everyone will be happy Everyone will CHALLENGE themselves

4 Timetable: 8:45-9:10 - Early morning work 9: :10 - Maths 10: :30 - Assembly or PSHE on Tuesdays 10: :45 - Break 10: :45 - English 11: :10 - Spelling, punctuation and grammar, French or Handwriting 12:10 - 1:10 - Lunch 1:10 - 1:40 - Guided Reading 1:40 - 3:00 - Topic (Science, Geography, Art, History or P.E)

5 Homework This will be given out every Friday. All children will be expected to complete this and return it by Wednesday. The English homework will be linked to activities that have been carried out that week and may be a selection of grammar, punctuation and comprehension activities. The Math's homework will now be to complete a page in the new Times Tables practice book. Each week the children will be allocated a specific times table. Please only complete one page a week! Spellings will be given out each week and children will be tested on a Friday.

6 Spelling Award This year the Squirrel's Heath spelling award has been launched. Every half term the children will receive a set of spellings of which they can practice. At the end of the half term they will be tested on 25 random words from the list. If the children get all of the words correct, they will get the award! Year 5 will start on the blue award.

7 6 house points achieved in a day
6 house points achieved in a day. A gold certiciate is given out in Friday's celebration assembly. Children can go up and down within a given day. Children can redeem themselves and move back up from red or yellow to green. In some circumstances, children may move down to yellow for a serious incident, despite being on gold, silver or bronze. Each day children start back on green, regardless of where they were on the chart the previous day. 4 house points achieved in a day. Children recieve a silver certiciate in class. 2 house points earned in a day. Green is the starting point. It's fine to remain on green the whole day. After a verbal warning, children will be placed on yellow to correct their behaviour. Children will be moved to a quiet area of the classroom. After a final warning, children they will move to red. They will be sent to another class and parents will be 

8 Fruit or vegetables at playtime

9 Are you entitled to free school meals? 
Please contact the school office.
Any questions please see them. If you haven't already done so, please sign up to Parentmail.

10 PE Kit All children are expected to wear the correct PE kit 
during games and PE lessons. red shorts plain white T-shirt/school logo T-shirt track suit during colder months plimsolls or trainers long hair needs to be tied up (everyday!)

11 The Curriculum

12 BLOOD HEART! We are now moving towards a topic based curriculum and all activities this half term will be based around our topic - Blood Heart!

13 English for this term Autumn Term: Pig Heart Boy (letter, diary, emotive writing, descriptions, persuasive writing) Grammar (Punctuation, Verbs, Adjectives, Similies and Metaphors, Conjunctions, Bullet points) Spelling - Suffixes, Silent letters, Homophones, Y5 focus spellings A more detailed Curriculum map for the year is available on our website.

14 Key areas throughout the year:
Maths for this term Key areas throughout the year: numberwork (read, write, compare and order numbers up to and beyond 
 rounding a number to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, ) calculations (all operations; recall use of all times tables for multiplication and division; 
money facts and calculations; word problems) geometry (properties of 2D and 3D shapes, Angles) Perimeter, Area Problem Solving Factors, Multiples, (key facts) fractions, decimals statistics (pictograms, bar charts, tables)


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