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Presentation on theme: "CLIMATE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Weather & Climate Weather = Meteorological conditions in a given place on a given day (e.g. the actual temperature at a specific place and time) Climate = Long-term averages, patterns, or trends in the weather (e.g the expected range of temperatures that are likely at a specific place and time)


4 1000 nm



7 What can change global energy balance?
Change in solar output Change in earth’s orbit (eccentricity, axial tilt, precession) Change in amount/distribution of continents Change in surface characteristics (albedo) Change in clouds Change in atmospheric chemistry

8 History of Earth’s Climate
Early Earth ( BYA) Sun cooler Atmosphere N2, CO2, CH4, NH3 Smaller continents Primitive marine life (bacteria, archaea)

9 Great Oxygenation Event

10 Glaciation not all due to photosynthesis

11 Snowball Earth

12 Carboniferous Glaciation
Meganeuropteris Arthropleura

13 Permian Hothouse 250 MYA massive eruptions of flood basalts in Siberia (Siberian Traps) added so much CO2 to the atmosphere that climate warmed rapidly, possibly releasing CH4 from methane hydrates. What followed was the greatest extinction in earth history.

14 Cretaceous Climate


16 PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum)
Global Warming 4-8 C Marine carbonate dissolution Total duration > 100,000 years

17 Methane hydrates

18 Cenozoic Climatic Deterioration


20 Australia separates from Antarctica

21 Circum-antarctic current
Psychrospheric circulation Global temperatures drop Ice caps,glaciers grow Sea level drops (100 m) Grasslands replace forests Mammals get larger Faunas/floras and environments look “modern”

22 Thermohaline circulation intensified
More herbaceous plants More pollinating insects More passerine birds More rodents More snakes Larger faster grazing horses More grasses (esp C4) Larger nonarboreal primates

23 Pleistocene 2.6 MYA – 11,700 years ago

24 18O/16O can be used to detect changes in ice volume and global temperature.
16O preferentially evaporates from oceans (less preference with higher temp) Leaving increasing 18O in seawater and increasing 16O in glaciers




28 Glaciation acts as species pump

29 Causes of Glaciation Solar radiation Greenhouse gases
Continental configuration Ocean currents Albedo Orbital characteristics

30 Milankovitch Cycles


32 Late Pleistocene Extinction (may still be going on)
10,000-20,000 years ago Most mammals > 100 lbs Mammoths Mastodons Horses (obviously not all) Bison (were 3 in N Am and 1 in Europe) Casteroides (Giant Beaver) Bears Sabertoothed Cats Camels Ground Sloths Why? Hunting ? (humans are world-wide and tech. advanced) Climate ? Disease ?


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