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Geographical distribution (A) and historical information (B) for tigers in the Russian Far East that died or were killed due to abnormal neurologic behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Geographical distribution (A) and historical information (B) for tigers in the Russian Far East that died or were killed due to abnormal neurologic behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geographical distribution (A) and historical information (B) for tigers in the Russian Far East that died or were killed due to abnormal neurologic behavior in 2001, 2004, or 2010. Geographical distribution (A) and historical information (B) for tigers in the Russian Far East that died or were killed due to abnormal neurologic behavior in 2001, 2004, or (C) Tiger Pt2010-3: hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained section of brain with neuronal intranuclear eosinophilic viral inclusions (arrow). (D) Tiger Pt2010-3: positive immunohistochemical staining of neurons with monoclonal IgG primary antibody to CDV viral envelope protein antigen (arrows) (fast-red staining). (E and F) Positive in situ hybridization (fast red) of probes to CDV P gene sequence in CDV-infected neurons in tiger Pt2004 (E) and tiger Pt (F). Bar = 50 µm in all images. Tracie A. Seimon et al. mBio 2013; doi: /mBio

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