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What are Prions? A microscopic protein particle similar to a virus but lacking nucleic acid.

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Presentation on theme: "What are Prions? A microscopic protein particle similar to a virus but lacking nucleic acid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Golding (2006) Suppression of prion protein in livestock by RNA interference

2 What are Prions? A microscopic protein particle similar to a virus but lacking nucleic acid

3 Prions cause bovine spongiform encephalopathy also known as ….?
Mad Cow Disease- causes a spongy degeneration in the brain and spinal cord.

4 Can humans get mad cow disease?
Yes. It is called new variant Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease.

5 How do prions negatively effect the brain at the cellular level?
Prions build up and form amyloid plaques that lead to changes in the brain cytoarchitecture and cell death.

6 By October 2009, it had killed 166 people in which European Country?
The United Kingdom

7 Is PrP naturally found in the body?

8 What is the function of PrP naturally found in the body?

9 This paper is going to use a technique to eliminate abnormal PrP in livestock. What is this approach?

10 shRNA Or RNA interference

11 What is the overarching hypothesis of this paper?

12 If mad cow disease is the major target as recognized by this paper why are they using goats? What prion disease do goats get?

13 Biosecurity is lower for scrapies.
Is this a goat and, if not, what is it?

14 What is the purpose of the GFP in the construct?
2 answers


16 They transferred 158 embryos into 8 recipients
They transferred 158 embryos into 8 recipients. How many pregnancies where there? 1

17 What is the typical pregnancy rate for goat embryo transfer of non-cloned embryos?

18 What is the typical pregnancy rate for goat embryo transfer of cloned embryos?




22 1. What is the overall conclusion of this paper?

23 What are some of the limitations of this paper?

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