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A Christian Must Learn How To Keep Sin From Ruling His Life

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2 A Christian Must Learn How To Keep Sin From Ruling His Life
1 Corinthians 10:12,13 Luke 19:5-7

3 How Should we deal with our own personal struggle with sin?
We can live in bondage or we can be free – John 8:32-36 Let the knowledge of God humble you – Romans 7:24,25 Pride an ever present issue in this struggle. Gain strength in knowing that God knows you! Psalm 139:1- 6; Matthew 10:30,31 Let God teach you about you! – Hebrews 4:12,13

4 How Should we deal with our own personal struggle with sin?
Let the forgiveness of God strengthen you- 1 John 1:7-10 I must know what sin is and admit it. I must fight sin rather that attempt to manage it. Satan will never be honest – Isaiah 5:20,21 Let the forgiveness of God keep your looking to Him for help- Hebrews 12:1-3

5 How Should we deal with our own personal struggle with sin?
Must be born again to be freed from sin – John 3:3-5 New birth wipes away all past sins! Acts 2:38; 3:19 How do we know this has occurred? Not based on how we feel alone! New birth is painful – brutal honesty is involved – Matthew 5:3,4

6 How Should we deal with our own personal struggle with sin?
We must walk in the light & confess our sins – 1 John 1:5-10; 3:9,10 God is faithful so all we need to do is stand by faith on His promises A person is not a hypocrite who repents & gets back up to fight sin

7 How Should we deal with our own personal struggle with sin?
Common but fatal mistakes men make in fighting sin: Many try to beat sin by willpower & guilt alone Both willpower & guilt are tools that God uses Have you ever been in a battle you could never win – but kept fighting anyway? Learn from Paul before becoming a Christian – Romans 7:14- 20

8 How Should we deal with our own personal struggle with sin?
We need more than willpower! We need God’s grace – Romans 8:1-3 With God’s grace we can heal & grow in our love for God- Romans 8:31-35 God’s people can provide wisdom & encouragement: Why do we try to take on this battle alone? James 5:16

9 How Should we deal with our own personal struggle with sin?
We need to go to spiritual people – Galatians 6:1 Spiritual people can give you wisdom to overcome – 1Corinthians 10:12,13 We must cut off the supply lines of sin – Romans 8:12,13 We must increase our love for God & our brethren Let your assurance come from God’s promises – Romans 8:15-17

10 We are no longer in bondage!
Two witnesses: The Holy Spirit – and Our Spirt Guilt removed when we know God’s promises We may have to fight to overcome our emotions by memorizing & repeating the promises of God Do you have the peace that passes understanding? Philippians 4:6,7

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