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Presentation on theme: "E-Business E-MARKETING."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Business E-MARKETING

2 E-Marketing Learning objectives Perlunya pemisahan strategi e-marketing dan e-bisnis yang terpisah Menyusun rencana untuk menerapkan strategi e-marketing Membedakan antara karakteristik komunikasi pemasaran media tradisional dan media baru

3 E-Marketing Issues for managers Bagaimana kita mengintegrasikan pendekatan pemasaran tradisional dan e-marketing? Bagaimana kita bisa menggunakan komunikasi elektronik untuk membedakan produk dan layanan kita? Bagaimana kita mendefinisikan kembali bauran pemasaran dan komunikasi untuk pada media baru?

4 E-Marketing Introduction



7 The e-marketing plan in the context of other plans
Figure 8.1 The e-marketing plan in the context of other plans

8 E-Marketing What is e-marketing?

9 E-marketing The definition of marketing by the Chartered Institute of Marketing ( is: ‘Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitability’

10 Distinguishing e-marketing and e-business
Electronic business has some degree of overlap with electronic marketing. Electronic business is broadly equivalent to electronic marketing. Electronic marketing is a subset of electronic business.

11 E-Marketing E-marketing planning

12 SOSTAC – a generic framework for e-marketing planning
Figure 8.2  SOSTAC™ – a generic framework for e-marketing planning

13 E-Marketing Situation Analysis

14 Inputs to the e-marketing plan from situation analysis

15 Demand analysis What percentage of customer businesses have access to the Internet? What percentage of members of the buying decision in these businesses have access to the Internet? What percentage of customers are prepared to purchase your particular product online? What percentage of customers with access to the Internet are not prepared to purchase online, but are influenced by web-based information to buy products offline? What are the barriers to adoption amongst customers and how can we encourage adoption?

16 Customer demand analysis for the car market
Figure 8.4  Customer demand analysis for the car market

17 Benchmarking solutions
Financial performance Marketplace performance Business and revenue models Marketing communications techniques Services offered Implementation of services

18 Internal Marketing Audit
Business effectiveness. Marketing effectiveness. (leads; sales; retention; market share; brand enhancement and loyalty) customer service. Internet effectiveness.

19 E-Marketing Objective setting



22 Assessment of the future online promotion contribution, online revenue contribution and service contribution for the B2B company, for Product A, Europe Figure 8.5  Assessment of the future online promotion contribution and online revenue for The B2B Company, for Product A, Europe

23 E-Marketing Strategy

24 Stages in target marketing strategy development


26 1 Interactivity

27 2 Intelligence

28 3 Individualization, 4 Integration


30 E-Marketing Tactics

31 The elements of the marketing mix
Figure 8.12  The elements of the marketing mix

32 Key online mix variables
Product Price Place Promotion Service: People, Process, Physical evidence

33 Product Online mix options Extend range (Tesco)
Narrow range (WH Smith iDTV) Online-only products (banks) Develop new brand (Egg) Migrate existing brand (HSBC) Partner with online brand (Waterstones and Amazon)

34 Online mix options Price Differential pricing:
Reduce online prices due to price transparency and competition (easyJet) Maintain price to avoid cannibalisation of offline sales (Dixon) New pricing options (software, music): Rental Pay per use Reverse auctions (B2B) Dynamic pricing (concert tickets)

35 Place = avoiding channel conflicts
Online mix options Place = avoiding channel conflicts Disintermediation – sell direct Reintermediation – partner with new intermediaries Countermediation: Form new intermediaries Partner with existing intermediaries Distance from intermediaries (Abbey National)

36 Promotion Online mix options
Selective use of new online tools for different stages of the buying process and customer lifecycle Online only campaigns Integrated campaigns – incorporating online tools into communications mix


38 Options for the online vs offline communications mix

39 Service Online mix options People Process Physical evidence
Automate – use web self-service, offer customer choice Process Change process for service – contact strategies Physical evidence Site design – differentiate or support brand Fulfilment quality

40 Online Branding Leslie de Chernatony and Malcolm McDonald in their classic 1992 book, Creating Powerful Brands, define a brand as : ‘an identifiable product or service augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant unique added values which match their needs most closely. Furthermore, its success results from being able to sustain these added values in the face of competition’.

41 Aaker and Joachimsthaler – brand equity

42 E-Marketing Actions

43 Questions that need to be resolved when specifying actions include:
What level of investment in the Internet channel is sufficient to deliver these services? What will be the payback? What training of staff is required? What new responsibilities are required for effective Internet marketing? Are changes in organizational structure required to deliver Internet-based services? What activities are involved in creating and maintaining the web site?


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