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Objective Pronouns (me , you, him, her, it, us, them)

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Presentation on theme: "Objective Pronouns (me , you, him, her, it, us, them)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective Pronouns (me , you, him, her, it, us, them)
Grade 6 | Objective Pronouns

2 What do you Notice? “Was Nick a troublemaker? Hard to say. One thing’s for sure: Nick Allen had plenty of ideas, and he knew how to use them.” Andrew Clements, Frindle “If your teacher has to die, August isn’t a bad time of year for it.” Richard Peck, The Teacher’s Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts “She can’t play with those Vargas kids or she’ll turn out just like them.” Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street Grade 6 | Objective Pronouns

3 Invitation to Imitate If your dog has to poop, your neighbor’s yard isn’t a bad place for it. - Anonymous classroom teacher Billy can’t miss the bus with his friends or he will be late just like them. Grade 6 | Objective Pronouns

4 Invitation to Imitate Your turn…
If your ___________has to ________, ______________isn’t a bad (Noun) (Verb) (When or Where) _____________ for it. (Time or Place) _____________ can’t ___________ with __________ or (Subject Noun) (Verb Phrase) (Noun) ________________ just like _________________ (Consequence) (Objective Pronoun) Grade 6 | Objective Pronouns

5 Invitation to Revise Rewrite three of the following sentences, replacing the object/object phrase with an objective pronoun: Mary is looking at John and he is looking at Mary. I am waiting for Peter and Alex. “Most of the citrus growers here have sold off their land to developers.” Edward Bloor, Tangerine  “I knew then I had to have a house.” -Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street Grade 6 | Objective Pronouns

6 Invitation to Edit The book I am reading to her is scary, but funny.
The book I am reading to her is scary, but funny. The book I am reading to she is scary, but funny. The book I am read to her is scary, but funny. The book I am reading to her is scary. But funny. The book I am reading to her is scarey, but funny. Grade 6 | Objective Pronouns

7 Invitation to Write Directions: Write a short passage using at least two of the seven objective pronouns. Grade 6 | Objective Pronouns

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