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On Supplementary Readings

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1 On Supplementary Readings

2 Shifter, “Tempering Expectations”
On evaluation of democratic change: Compared to when? What countries/regions? Along what dimensions? Mixed record (as of 2002): Progress in Mexico and Peru Turmoil in Andes Challenges to “representative democracy”

3 Carey, “Presidentialism and Representative Institutions”
Ominous trends: Elected presidents misbehaving Removal of presidents (quasi-impeachment) Selecting presidents Removing presidents Legislative capacity Bias: strengthen legislatures! Allow re-election Need for transparency

4 Diamint, “The Military”
Outlook Military still preeminent Command economic resources And police militarized National and international roles Citizens as prime enemies Loyalty to institution Civilian missions as threat to democracy South America Central America Logic: entrepreneurial and institutional

5 Coppedge, “Venezuela…”
Framework: Popular vs. liberal democracy Rise of “delegative democracy” Popular support Wide and strong Polarization Crisis of democracy Role of the “partyarchy” (partidocracia) Emergence of a political vacuum Weak institutions

6 Cepeda Ulloa, “Colombia…”
Threats to governability Guerrillas and organized crime “Technocratic dogmatism” Corruption and disorder Constitution of 1991 Dilution of institutions Fragmentation of political forces Tensions and new crises Samper and the Cali cartel Clientelism in executive-legislative relations Decentralization A strategy for recovery Plan Colombia IMF FARC Government’s “ordinary” agenda

7 Degregori, “Peru: The Vanishing…”
Phase 1: Outsider within a Democratic Framework ( ) June 1990: Fujimori elected president Implosion of political parties Focus on hyperinflation and terrorism April 1992: autogolpe September 1992: capture of Abimael Guzmán Phase 2: Authoritarianism Triumphant ( ) October 1993: ratification of new constitution April 1995: Fujimori re-elected Inattention to institutionalization (e.g., PRI) Weaknesses: nontransferable charisma, militarization of politics, lack of transparency

8 Phase 3: Permanent Reelection (1996-2000)
--Exposure of Vladimir Montesinos --December 1996: Seizure of Japanese ambassador’s residence --Surge of popular dissidence --Intimidation of media --Appearance of new players: OAS mission and Alejandro Toledo --Resistance and eventual collapse And Now?

9 Lamounier, “Brazil: The Cardoso Administration”
Judgment: perhaps one of the most effective in Brazilian history, but unclear if it will leave “irreversible improvements” Political structure and party system Consensus institutions (“consociationalism”) Presidential authority Plebiscitarian pseudo-solution

10 Agüero, “Chile: Unfinished Transition…”
Uneven progress in 1990s: --Steady progress on economy --Occasional achievements in governance and public policy --Lag in “political-institutional” realm— inability to bring transition to an end Argument: authoritarian legacy and manner of transition have had greater effects on Chile than in other countries of the region.

11 Ending the Transition? Competing Concepts
Constitutional reform Resolution of human rights problems Reconciliation: shared interpretation of 1973 coup October 1998: arrest of Pinochet in London Decline in Concertación vote (presidential elections): % [first round] [second round]

12 Dresser, “Mexico: From PRI Dominance…”
Framework: “Voted” transition Dispersions of power Uncertainty: institutionalization Executive-legislative relations Potential parliamentary logic Red-green circles and plebiscitarian appeals Political power Weakened parties Unrule of law

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