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MED-GIG: Mediterranean Coastal

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Presentation on theme: "MED-GIG: Mediterranean Coastal"— Presentation transcript:

1 MED-GIG: Mediterranean Coastal
Member States: France Greece Italy coordinator (G.Casazza) Spain Cyprus Malta Slovenia Croatia ECOSTAT, Ispra, June 3-4, 2007

2 IC Types

3 P H I T O L A N K

4 P H I T O L A N K

5 M A C R O L G E

6 Ecological State Groups
Infralittoral algal communities reflect environmental changes of waters quality Ulvacean algae Lithophyllum incrustans Mytilus sp. Blue-green algae Sensitivity gradient - pollution - sensitivity Cystoseira sp. Pollution gradient + pollution + sensitivity Lithophyllum byssoides Corallina sp. CARLIT BENTHOS EEI ESG II ESG I Ecological State Groups

7 AN G I O S P E R M

8 P. oceanica classification systems in the different participating countries

9 B E N T H I C V R A S

10 TRANSITIONAL WATERS NO IC in present phase Work is in progress
I° Mediterranean TW expert meeting: Sète, March 1, 2006 II° Mediterranean TW expert meeting: Athens, March 1, 2007 - IC exercise will start, at this stage, only on the Transitional Water Type “Coastal lagoons”; - Priority on benthic macro-invertebrates; - MSs will try to define IC sites, (including RC and expected “Bad” sites, data on pressures, surface area and salinity) - Selection of biological tools or indicators/metrics and approaches (intercalibration common metrics, bilateral comparisons) - Data analysis will start (April – September 07) - Preliminary comparison of data in a common meeting mid of June/July. III° Mediterranean TW expert meeting: Mallorca, July 23-24, 2007 Work is in progress

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