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Welcome Parents and Friends to Mrs. Yanich’s Spanish Class!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents and Friends to Mrs. Yanich’s Spanish Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents and Friends to Mrs. Yanich’s Spanish Class!
¡BIENVENIDOS PADRES Y AMIGOS! A LA CLASE DE LA SEÑORA YANICH Welcome Parents and Friends to Mrs. Yanich’s Spanish Class!

2 Began teaching in Chicago Have been teaching Spanish 18 years
A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME…. Began teaching in Chicago Have been teaching Spanish 18 years Have a BA in Spanish from Indiana University Have a Master’s in Education from DePaul University, Chicago Have lived in Spain, Mexico and Brazil (also speak Portuguese)

Have been married 9 (almost 10) years! Have a 7 year old son, AJ who attends TBE in 2nd Grade Am an active parishioner at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Relocated to Florida three years ago from Indianapolis, Indiana Live in Naples (only 20 minutes away!) Always willing to hear any of your concerns or comments how I can help YOUR child! AM SO GRATEFUL TO BE WORKING HERE!

4 DO The Right Thing, because… It’s The Right Thing To DO!!
Our Classroom Motto.. DO The Right Thing, because… It’s The Right Thing To DO!!

5 This is a class for High School Credit!! ► Practice outside of class
►Spanish I-Class is taught in Spanish and English. There is homework EVERY DAY! There is a quiz or test EVERY Friday! A grade of C or higher is needed to continue to Spanish II. ► Spanish II- Class is taught mostly in Spanish And students are expected to speak Spanish daily. There is homework EVERY DAY! There is a quiz or test EVERY Friday. ► Practice outside of class as much as possible! ► Use the resources available, MICMS website,,, watch TV in Spanish, listen to Radio/Music in Spanish

6 GENERAL RULES ► BE in class ON time! NO EXCUSES!
► Have all materials for each class Binder with dividers, Paper, Folder, Pencil Pouch, 2 Pencils, 2 pens (blue or black) 2 red pens ► Have homework COMPLETE, NEAT with Name, Date and Period # on ALL work IT MUST BE TURNED IN ON TIME!!! Standard pencil, blue or black ink for all assignments that are turned in! ► ONLY water is allowed in a clear container in class and it must have a lid. NO eating in the hallway! ► Handbook rules apply and are strictly enforced

7 Grades ► WILL Posted promptly!
► Test/Quiz grades that are below a B can earn back points by writing the CORRECT ANSWERS 3 times each on loose leaf paper turned in 2-3 days after quizzes are returned. ► Late and incomplete receive 70% credit A15-minute ELO will be offered, while during their Extra Learning Opportunity students can earn up to 100% credit on the missed assignment. ► Extra Credit and Bonus points are given every week either on a test/quiz or a special assignment

8 Please contact me immediately with any questions or concerns…
¡Muchas Gracias! ¡Fue un placer! ¡It was a pleasure! ¡Thank You! Please contact me immediately with any questions or concerns…

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