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Proposed Agricultural General Order for Bard Valley Regional Board WORKSHOP May 15, 2019 Logan Raub, Env. Sci.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Agricultural General Order for Bard Valley Regional Board WORKSHOP May 15, 2019 Logan Raub, Env. Sci."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Agricultural General Order for Bard Valley Regional Board WORKSHOP May 15, Logan Raub, Env. Sci.

2 Overview Regulatory Authority Laws and Policies
Bard Valley Agricultural Conditional Waiver (Waiver) Tentative Bard Ag Order General Order Requirements Comments

3 Regulatory Authority

4 Why Regulate Agricultural Discharges?
Discharges from agricultural lands may carry wastes that can affect the quality of waters of the state. Salts Nutrients Pesticides Pathogens Sediment

5 Laws And Policies California Water Code. Sections:
13263 Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) 13269 Conditional Waivers 13267 Water Quality Investigations Antidegradation Policy (1968) Nonpoint Source Policy (2004) State Board Order WQ

6 Non Point Source Policy

7 Non Point Source Policy
California’s plan for controlling wastes from diffuse sources Plan/Implement Management Practices (MPs) Monitoring and Reporting Assess MP effectiveness Plan/Implement Improved MPs, repeat MP Implementation ≠ Compliance Time schedule→Milestones→Attain WQOs

8 Non-Point Source Policy Adaptive Management
Monitoring and Reporting Implementation of Management Practices Water Quality Outcomes Milestone Meet Objectives Improved Management Practices

9 State Board WQ 2018-002 Eastern San Joaquin Order

10 State Board Order WQ Modified Central Valley Agricultural Order for the Eastern San Joaquin Watershed Established requirements that apply to all agricultural regulatory programs: Nitrogen Management Reporting Monitoring Regional boards to incorporate requirements into their permits by February 2023

11 Nitrogen Tracking and Reporting
Tracking nitrogen applied (A) and removed (R) . Reporting A/R and A-R; A: Nitrogen applied to the field in fertilizer, organic amendments, and irrigation water R: Nitrogen removed from field in harvested or other materials or as sequestered in permanent crops

12 Irrigation and Nitrogen Planning and Reporting
Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plan (INMP) Reports INMP Summary Report

13 Irrigation and Nitrogen Planning and Reporting
Field Level Reporting: Members may report data for a portion of a field or for multiple fields (up to 640 acres) provided that the reported area has: The same crop type, The same fertilizer inputs, The same irrigation management, and The same management practices.

14 Irrigation and Nitrogen Planning and Reporting
Alternative Reporting Areas: The Regional Board has the flexibility to develop alternative reporting areas for growers: Highly intensive cropping practices, Unpredictable crop types and harvesting, and Variable management practices, and Area cannot exceed 640 acres.

15 Irrigation and Nitrogen Planning and Reporting
Exemption 1: Does not apply where grower(s) can demonstrate that applied nitrogen is not expected to: Seep below the root zone and impact groundwater, or Discharge to surface water

16 Irrigation and Nitrogen Planning and Reporting
Exemption 2: Limited or delayed nitrogen reporting for some categories of growers: Pasturelands Lots of crop rotation (under 20 acres) Economically disadvantaged

17 Bard Valley Conditional Waiver

18 Irrigated Agricultural Lands in the Colorado River Basin
Coachella Valley Palo Verde Valley Salton Sea Bard Valley Imperial Valley

19 Bard Unit Waiver Colorado River (CDM Smith, 2019)

20 Bard Unit Waiver Waiver Adopted Jan 2013 Covered 6,450 acres
Bard Unit Coalition formed Expired in Jan 2018 Bard Unit Waiver (CDM Smith, 2019)

21 Nitrogen in Bard Surface Water 2015-2018
Source Drainage RC Head Gate AAC DRAIN #7 DRAIN #6 Total N (mg/L) 0.48 4.72 1.97 Nitrates (mg/L as N) 0.27 4.00 1.54

22 Tentative Bard Agricultural General Order

23 Agricultural General Order
General Orders do not expire Consistent regional regulations Considers local conditions Complies with state laws and policies Water Code Anti- Degradation NPS Policy Precedential requirements Agricultural General Order

24 Scope And Applicability
Waste discharges from commercial Irrigated Agricultural Lands in the Bard Unit Dischargers who are Members of Coalitions Non-members must submit an application, receive individual permits

25 Scope And Applicability (continued)
Does NOT apply to Tribal land “Non-profit” farming activities Farm Activities regulated by other Board Orders

26 General Order Requirements

27 Member Requirements Requirements Due Dates
File Electronic Notice Of Intent Within 3 months after adoption Develop/ Submit: Farm Plan Mar ; annually INMP/Summary Reports (New) Mar ; annually Implement Management Practices Ongoing Attend Outreach and Education Annually Monitor Drinking Water Wells (New) Pay State Fees

28 Farm Plan Contents (Same as in the Waiver)
Owner/grower information Farm information No. of acres under cultivation, crop(s) grown Irrigation methods Chemicals applied Management practices used Any subsurface drainage collection system Discharge point locations

29 INMP Summary Report Contents (New)
Crop Year Owner/manager name Assessor Parcel Number Acreage for each field identified Crop type and age Irrigation management practices Nitrogen management practices Total acreage Nitrogen applied (lbs/acre) Crop yield

30 Drinking Water Well Nitrate Monitoring (New)
Conducted by member or coalition Wells identified by the member Annual monitoring for nitrates (3 years) May submit results from the past 5 years If nitrates < 8 mg/L, monitor every 5 years > 10 mg/L, users notified No monitoring if well not used for drinking

31 Coalition Requirements
Due Dates Submit Organizational Report Within 3 months after adoption Submit Membership Reports Aug ; annually Provide Templates: (New) Farm Plans INMP/Summary Reports Drinking Water Notifications Within 30 days after EO template approval Monitor: Groundwater (New) Surface Water Within 30 days after EO QAPP approval Report Monitoring Results Within 14 days after receiving results

32 Coalition Requirements Continued
Due Dates Prepare Water Quality Restoration Plans (New) As directed by the RB Conduct Outreach and Education Annually Submit INMP Summary Data (New) and Farm Plan Data – Anonymous ID (New) Mar ; annually thereafter Provide Copies of NOVs to Members Within 30 days of receiving from the RB Collect Fees

33 Water Quality Restoration Plans (New)
Prepared if there are: Water quality problems or Trends of water quality degradation Contents: Identify sources of water quality problems Select MPs to contain the WQ problem Implementation schedule Monitor and report on progress

34 Coalition Comments Discharges From Tribal, Arizona Lands
Cost Estimates Field Level Reporting Trade Secrets Nitrogen Planning and Reporting Exemption

35 Coalition Comments continued
Naturally occurring salts not from agriculture Recognition for past efforts Better inform growers in Bard Valley

36 Summary Proposed General Order Meeting with Coalition
Consistent with California Water Code, NPS Policy, and Precedential Requirements Protects surface water and groundwater quality Meeting with Coalition Staff Workshop in Bard May 21 Public Comment period April 24 through May 24 Scheduled for consideration by RB on June 13, 2019


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