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Speaking the language of publishing. Worldwide

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1 Speaking the language of publishing. Worldwide
Klopotek User Group Webtrace 3.5.3

2 What is Webtrace? Webtrace is a tool to send and track messages to customer service of Klopotek.

3 Classificatone: bug, change request, question... Status Priority
Search options are: Classificatone: bug, change request, question... Status Priority Registration Dates

4 Alle items belonging to a customer can be searched for
Sorting is possible on an item number, keyword, component, version, status.

5 The result list can be downloaded to Excel or as HTML

6 Make a new webtrace entry:
Describe your problem and the area where it occurs Give an example where it can be reproduced Classify and prioritize it

7 Also attachments can be linked and sent

8 Webtrace Status Model

9 User options: This is the place to define the recipients of notifications generated by Webtrace

10 Advantage for customers:
Clear overview of the outstanding issues Quick update on status. Independent of a client installation Webtrace can be started from a browser notification for defined users User gets notified if there is a remark added. Lists can be produced The result of a search can be downloaded to Excel

11 Thank you

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