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Wednesday, 09 October 2019Wednesday, 09 October 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, 09 October 2019Wednesday, 09 October 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, 09 October 2019Wednesday, 09 October 2019
Do Now: Recap List at least three reasons for the decline in confidence during the 1970s. What is ‘hubris’? List at least two ways in which media portrayal changed American society during the 1970. How did each of the following affect standards of living: the energy crisis / industrial decline / inflation? Correct in green pen. Challenge: Which was a greater reason for the decline in confidence, economic problems or media representation?

2 How did TV ownership change? Give figures. (p.83)
Hw check How did TV ownership change? Give figures. (p.83) What was the impact of the increase in channels and TV shows? (p.84) Create a spider diagram to describe how the 1967 PBA influenced changes in popular culture? (p.85) How did broadcast news shape opinions towards foreign affairs after 1965? (p.85) What was the media’s role in damaging the reputation of (and holding to account) the presidents? Challenge: Look at the reverse side of the first hand out, and the speech bubbles at the top. What was the media’s role in the decline of confidence in America, at home and abroad?

3 Tomorrow, you MUST bring in your folders.

4 How did the standard of living change during the 1970s?
LOs: 1. To explain the impact of stagflation on the standard of living 2. To assess the success of government action to improve standards of living 3. To explain the impact of economic changes on leisure and travel

5 Changes from 1950s onwards Goods came from overseas e.g. Japanese radio transmitters. (By million radio transistors in circulation). Business and people moved South and West. Better air conditioning made it possible and land was cheaper there. Because of the movement to South and West. inner cities in the North emptied – which caused problems. Government strategy changed from spending to stimulate the economy to increasing money supply. They hoped this would hold inflation down. (1952 $169.7 in circulation by 1960 it was $215.8 billion).

6 1960s USA no longer world’s most important exporter.
Government kept increasing money supply but this did not stop or slow inflation.

7 1970s - Stagflation Task one: Stagflation Use the handout to answer: What was ‘stagflation’? Why had stagflation occurred? How did the government react to the crisis? How did stagflation affect people in general? Businesses are no longer expanding but prices are still rising. Challenge: How stagflation exacerbate the existing decline in confidence?

8 How far do you agree that confidence was the most significant factor in both the affluence of the 1950s and the crisis of the 1970s?

9 What factors need consideration?
Which factor helped ‘affluence’ of 1950s most? Which factor was most to blame for ‘crisis’ of 1970s? Confidence Government policy International trading opportunities Population boom and new markets to exploit Confidence Government policy International trading opportunities Energy crisis

10 1950s Confidence: Government policy:
Desperate to spend after austerity of WW2. This led to increased production (data to support). Increased production led to business expansion. Anti-Communism made spending patriotic! Government policy: Stopped strikers; gave businesses security. Farm subsidies. Government increased money supply to keep economy buoyant. Government funded infrastructure such as highways. International trading opportunities: European markets open and needed American food. America still leading technological country at this point (just!). Population boom and new markets to exploit: Baby boomers. Suburbs. TV – its impact.

11 1970s Confidence: Government policy:
Constantly rising prices without wage increasing shook America’s confidence. Falling into debt – reduce spending. Carter not trusted. Government policy: Business tax rose. Stop/start – increase money supply. Panic. Stop spending. Increase in unemployment. Panic. Increase money supply. Linking social security to CPI. International trading opportunities: Competition from abroad e.g. technology. Buying foreign more fuel efficient cars. Energy crisis: Sparked by Arab-Israeli war. OPEC embargoed USA for supporting Israel. Two crises. Increased cost of good transported too.

12 The War on Poverty


14 Task two: Why had ‘The Great Society’ and the ‘War on Poverty’ failed by 1970?
Read pages of the booklet. Make a list of reasons why government legislation had not successfully solved the poverty crisis, and the proportion of those below the poverty line rose. Challenge: How did the ‘welfare crisis’ give Reagan an advantage?


16 Task three: How did Nixon and Carter attempt to encourage the poor to find work?
Using the handout pages 106-7, list the ways in which Nixon and Carter attempted to improve the position of the poor. Nixon Carter Challenge: How successful were Nixon and Carter in improving standards of living?

17 Use pages 192-3 to give examples of improvements.
Homework: Leisure and travel: Despite a decline in the standard of living, leisure time and access to leisure and travel improved. Use pages to give examples of improvements. Leisure time Spectator sports Car-ownership Air travel Challenge: To what extent did the standard of living improve during the 1970s?

18 Between 1949 and 1956, how much more wealth did the richest 1% of Americans have? 5.2%
What was the difference between the average wage of a white production worker versus the chief executive of his company? $360, 038 What was the average wage for a black family in 1960? $3,230 Why was affirmative action not seen as helpful? Caused resentment, some felt people hired for colour rather than ability. What % of all black workers were considered middle class? 27% Where were Native Americans mainly living? Government relocation areas. What % of white and non-white families lived below the poverty line in 1966? 12% and 41%. What happened to inner cities? If you could afford, people moved to suburb. So inner cities became less white and more impoverished. What did landlords do, as a result of decreasing rents? Not repair the properties, set them on fire. How did some residents in inner city areas respond to conditions? Drugs and crime.

19 How many Hispanic families in the South Bronx were on welfare in 1970s
How many Hispanic families in the South Bronx were on welfare in 1970s? Over 50%. What trebled between 1960 – 74? Deliberate fires. Who set up the policy of ‘planned shrinkage’? Roger Starr, Housing Commissioner. What was ‘planned shrinkage’? Closing subways, police stations, fire stations, hospitals and schools. What was the impact of ‘planned shrinkage’? The areas became even more deprived.

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