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Welcome the class of… 2020.

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1 Welcome the class of… 2020

2 Senior High School Counselors
Ms. Vickey Rainey – (Last names L-Z) Mr. Doug Sankey – (Last names A-K) Mrs. Trish Richardson (Administrative Assistant)

3 8th to 9th Grade Scheduling Information Session: 2016-2017
Objectives: Students will acquire the knowledge and skills to select appropriate 9th grade courses, considering their own personal preferences, learning strengths, and future goals. Introduction of counseling staff Discuss requirements for graduation and introduce official high school transcript Review course offerings and descriptions Explain course selection process Questions

4 Pop Quiz: What is a credit? How many credits are needed to graduate from Philipsburg-Osceola Senior High?

5 24

6 Graduation Requirements
Total credits for graduation must include: 4 credits of English 4 credits of Social Studies 4 credits of Mathematics 4 credits of Science 2 credits of Physical Education 0.5 credit of Health 0.25 Driver’s Education Classroom 0.5 Tech for Success 0.5 Personal Finance & Money Management 2.0 credits of Arts and Humanities 2.25 credits of Electives

7 Grade Level Classification
In order to progress through the grade levels, students must achieve certain minimum credit levels: Grade 10: Must have earned at least 5 credits and must be enrolled for at least 7 credits. Grade 11: Must have earned at least 11 credits and must be enrolled for at least 7 credits. Grade 12: Must have earned at least 17 credits and must be enrolled for at least 7 credits.

8 Pop Quiz: What classes in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade count towards a student’s GPA and Class Rank?

9 All of Them

10 Pop Quiz: What classes in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade go on your high school transcript?

11 All of Them

12 Official High School Transcript
Each of your courses, grades, credits, and your daily attendance is recorded on your High School Transcript. An Official Transcript can be sent to each college or technical/vocational school that a student applies to, but a review of your transcript can also be requested by: Branches of the military Employers Scholarship agencies NCAA


14 Charting Your Own Path Choosing Courses
Students should carefully review the Program of Studies to select courses. Be sure you meet the requirements (Example: Available to your grade level, meet the prerequisite, etc). Select courses which may assist you in your future career or with career exploration. (Electives, CCCTC, Academies, etc.) Select courses which may allow you to access higher levels of courses in a particular area. Most courses may only be selected once during your high school studies. Vocational-Technical Education at CCCTC Choosing Courses

15 FRESHMAN COURSE SELECTION (For School year 2016 - 2017)
ALL FORMS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE COUNSELING OFFICE BY FRIDAY, February 19th. FRESHMAN COURSE SELECTION (For School year ) STUDENTS MUST SELECT AT LEAST 7.0 CREDITS EACH YEAR. ADD THE NUMBER OF CREDITS ON THE FRONT AND CHOOSE ENOUGH CREDITS ON BOTH SIDES TO EQUAL AT LEAST 7.0 CREDITS. COURSES THAT DO NOT HAVE SUFFICIENT ENROLLMENT MAY BE CANCELLED.THEREFORE, YOU MUST SELECT CREDITS AS REQUESTED COURSES (MARK WITH AN “R”) AND 2 ALTERNATE CREDITS (MARK WITH AN “A”). Alternate courses will be scheduled if the requested courses are not possible. NAME: ___________________________________ ENGLISH SOCIAL STUDIES MATH 1.0 credit (must choose one) 1.0 credit (required) 101 English 9 301 US & PA History 2 X 202 Algebra 1A 103 Pre-AP English 9 203 Algebra 1B 205 Algebra 1 211 Geometry 9 221 Algebra 2 9 240 PreCalculus 9 242 PreCalculus SCIENCE PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH TECHNOLOGY 0.5 credit (required) 451 Integrated Science 601 Physical Education Options 718 Tech for Success 453 Pre-AP Integrated Science 603 Health Elective Weightlifting for Athletes Total Credits Side 1:_____

16 ELECTIVES Technology Music World Languages 721 Technology Design (.5 credit) 612 Music Theory & Comp. (.5 credit) 501 French 1 724 Mechanical CAD (.5 credit) 623 Chorus 511 Spanish 1 725 Architectural CAD (.5 credit) 627 Symphonic Band 512 Spanish 2 726 Construction Technology (.5 credit) 629 Chorus/Symphonic Band 951 Latin (Virtual) 953 German (Virtual) Art Business 960 Mandarin Chinese (Virtual) 631 2D Design (.5 credit) 711 Business Exploration (.5 credit) 632 3D Design (.5 credit) 716 PC Systems, Repair, & Network (.5 credit ) 651 Drawing (.5 credit) 655 Painting (.5 credit) 663 Ceramics (.5 credit) Top 3 Career Interests: I am passionate about: TOTAL SIDE 1:_____ TOTAL SIDE 2:_____ Parent Signature: Student Signature: ___________________________________ _______________________________________

17 Success in the New Economy

18 14 PIAA Sports Clubs and Activities Band/Chorus Drama
Get Involved 14 PIAA Sports Clubs and Activities Band/Chorus Drama

19 Question & Answer Session
Thank you for your attention. Questions?

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