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`` Coral oceans Primary I Ages 7-11 Human impact on the reef Lesson 7.

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1 `` Coral oceans Primary I Ages 7-11 Human impact on the reef Lesson 7

2 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef
Learning objectives Identify specific adaptations used by living things on the reef Explain the need for adaptation for survival List a range of adaptations on the reef Apply knowledge of adaptation to create the ultimate coral animal

3 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef

4 Threats to the coral reef Crown of Thorns starfish
Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef Overview of threats to the reef… Threats to the coral reef Storms Over-fishing Tourism Warming oceans Ocean acidification Fertiliser run-off Crown of Thorns starfish Turbidity High CO2 Oceans Physical Damage Water Quality

5 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef
Soil being washed out to sea harms the reef. This can happen when woods are cut down. The soil can smother the polyps.

6 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef
Outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish can be very damaging to the reef. These starfish are specialist coral predators and can eat huge areas of the reef.

7 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef
Overfishing can harm life on the reef. Parrotfish are now being hunted after many of the other fish such as grouper and snapper have gone.

8 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef
The mining industry in Australia wants to expand port facilities to increase trade. This work is likely to damage the reef.

9 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef
Tourism can harm the reef if tourist boats are not careful where they anchor. Corals are fragile and can be damaged by divers knocking into them.

10 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef
The coral reef is being affected by carbon dioxide. More carbon dioxide is being produced and this dissolves in the ocean changing its chemistry.

11 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef
If the ocean becomes suddenly too warm, this can be very harmful for corals. It can cause bleaching, turning the corals white.

12 Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef

13 What would reef health living look like?
Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef What would reef health living look like? How could farmers stop so many chemicals such as fertilisers and pesticides getting into the ocean? There is pressure on the Great Barrier Reef from the development of shipping to transport coal. What do you think about this? How could the amount of carbon dioxide emissions be reduced?

14 Coral may be in terminal decline by 2048…
Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef Coral may be in terminal decline by 2048… How do you feel that your children may never see a healthy coral reef in the wild?

15 What is your pledge to protect the coral reef?
Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef What is your pledge to protect the coral reef? What should adults do?

16 Photo credits Slide Photo Credit 3 4 5 6 9 Ocean Acidification
Lesson 7: Human impact on the reef Photo credits Slide 3 4 5 6 9 Photo Ocean Acidification Land runoff Tourism Shipping terminal Bleached reef Credit Encounter Edu NASA Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority All other images and photos XL Catlin Seaview Survey

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