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Dennis East Int’l LLC E-booking User Manual

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Presentation on theme: "Dennis East Int’l LLC E-booking User Manual"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dennis East Int’l LLC E-booking User Manual

2 The advantages of using the e-booking system:
1. No Time & Geographic Boundary - Booking / Container Load Plan could be submitted 24 hours a day wherever you connect to NYK Logistics website : 2. Easy Update & Quick Response - Your data can be on-line edited easily and reflected timely. 3. On-line Trace & Track - PO shipment window, FCR (draft version), debit note, and bill of lading number could be accessed on-line. 4. Template Setting - Reduce your time by with the standard information, I.e. Shipping Marks and Cargo Description with the “Template Setting” function to build your own template. 5. Better Planning - Review consignee’s loading requirements online and reduce data input duplication to avoid typing error.

3 Contents I. Registration …………………………………….………… 3 II.
System Login ……………………………………..…..…. 6 III. Service Provider Information …………………………… 10 IV. e-Booking Creation …………………………….………... 14 V. e-Booking – View/Edit/Print/Delete ..………………….. 25 VI. Container Load Plan Data Submission ………………… 36 VII. Container Load Plan – View/Edit/Print/Delete ………… 45 VIII. View Forwarder's Cargo Receipt & Debit Notice………. 53 IX. Miscellaneous …………..………………………………… 55

4 I. Registration 1. Login Our website - Click Download e-Booking Registration Form to e-Booking registration form

5 2. Select Consignee Dennis East
User could choose their consignees here. For Dennis East vendors, please click on “Dennis East” to download the e-booking registration form. Dennis East

6 3. Fill in & Submit the Registration Form
Fill in the form and the completed form to: Login ID and password will be informed within 2 working days by . Each vendor with one administrative user and up to 3 operation users login is provided. Administrative user has the right to maintain user profile (name, password, etc) of all login ID and define template. Besides, Administrative user can view & edit all bookings & Container Load Plans under the same account. Operation users can only view & edit the booking & Container Load Plan created by the respective user. Dennis East

7 II. System Login 1. Please connect to Please input your Login ID and Password. Then click on the “Login” key (The Login ID & Password are case sensitive.)

8 2. Functions available Click on “PO, View / Edit Booking, Create Booking, View / Edit Load Plan, Create Load Plan, Service Provider, Carton Packing, Useful Information, Template, User” to access different functions.

9 2a. Functions Highlights
Descriptions View / Edit Booking - View, Edit, Print & Delete submitted booking Create Booking - Create booking View / Edit Load Plan View, Edit, Print & Delete submitted container load plan View & Print drafted debit notice & FCR for checking Create Load Plan - Create container load plan Template - Create Description of Packages & Goods (Restricted to Administrator only) User - Create password

10 3. **Must Do** – User Information Verification / Update
Administrator must go to “User” interface for verifying the Name, Telephone, Fax, of all users including administrator and update (if necessary) when login at first time.

11 III. Main screen of Service Provider information
There is a new tab (Service Provider) in the top menu : Once you click on “Service Provider Tab”, you will view all the Service Provider Records you have created before. User can also search record by inputting (1) Name; or (2) Code; or (3) Role type. User can generate a list of service provider by clicking ‘Report for All Service Provider’. 10record, please click ‘Add’.

12 Can be selected more than one role
Creating a new record Below are the mandatory data. Vendor must input them : (1) Name of the service provider (2) Country code – please click to search (3) Address (4) City User has to provide Province/State, Zip/Postal code and DUNS no. if applicable. One vendor can perform multiple service provider roles. Click ‘Save’ to update the record. (1) (2) (3) (4) Can be selected more than one role

13 2. Adding “Manufacturer” and “Country of Origin” in Booking
* For the “Manufacturer” info, please note that you can only select the companies who have the role defined as “Manufacturer” in the “Service Provider” tab mentioned in above step 1. In PO / Item screen, you can enter “manufacturer” and “country of origin” by either of the following ways: (1) Batch Apply (2) Input item by item For batch apply (red arrows), please enter the “manufacturer” and “country of origin” in the batch update section and then click ‘Batch Apply’ button. The info will be copied to each line item automatically. If you want to enter in each item line, please input it one by one (blue arrow).

14 3. Adding “Stuffer Name” and “Stuffing Location” in Loadplan
In eLoaplan screen, user has to declare (1) the stuffer name and (2) location. * Please note that you can only select the companies who have the role defined as “Container Stuffer” &/or “Container Stuffing Location” in the “Service Provider” tab mentioned in above step 1.

15 IV. e-Booking Creation 1. Enter e-Booking interface
Click ‘Create Booking to enter e-Booking creation interface

16 2. The display of ‘New Booking’

17 3. Input booking basic information

18 3. Input Basic Information (In Sequence)
(1) Load Type – CFS or CY CFS- Deliver cargo to warehouse CY- Factory load (2) For CY, please input number of container for each size and type (3) Shipper/Exporter information will be displayed automatically (4) Input ‘Port of Loading’ (5) Input ‘Final Destination (e.g Los Angeles, Savannah, New York…etc) Notify Party will not be displayed as there is different destination with different Notify Party. (6) Input “Export License number” if necessary (7) Select the Estimate Delivery Date by clicking the calendar icon (8) Indicate the number of original FCR(s) required (9) Indicate if shipment contains Solid Wood Packing Material or not (10) Input FCR release location (11) Input Document submitted location

19 4. Save to Draft (an Option to save e-booking)
If user do not want to save and review e-booking information before directly submission to NLHK, tick “Save to Draft” button as below: Once “Save to Draft” has been ticked, the “Save” button will be appeared by PO level, user need to press the “Save” button after inputting data for each PO Important Note: All information must be inputted before saving the booking draft

20 5. Input booking data by PO and SKU level
a) Click “ADD P/O” button to enter P/O screen

21 b) Enter booking Data Important Note:
i. Input the P/O No. ii. Indicate whether ‘Export License’ is required. iii. By updating PO item, press “Add All PO item” to key in the SKU#. If a particular SKU# is required to delete, press “Remove Item” button iv. Exact SKU description should be inputted by user. User must key in CTN, CBM, KGS, QTY. Important Note: No cargo description field is provided on e-Container Load Plan

22 c) Enter Shipping Marks and Description of Packages and Goods
There are two options to prepare Shipping Marks and Description of Packages and Goods By manually input the related column By automatically generate from system, the way is Click “Generate Mark & Description” button, then the defined template is automatically generated under “Marks & Numbers” and “Description of Packages and Goods” column. (Please refer to our Template Setting slide 58–64 in user manual) User can add / change the information, but please ensure the “Mark & Numbers” you declared is exactly the same as your carton mark All information you declared in “Marks & Numbers” and “Description of Packages and Goods” is directly shown in your FCR DENNIS EAST INTERNATIONAL INC DENNISPORT, WA ITEM# QTY, PCS DESC. PO# N.W. KGS G.W. KGS MEAS. MADE IN CHINA CTN# PO# ITEM#55104, PERFUME BOTTLES S/3 ASST, TOTAL: 100 CTNS, 600 PIECE ITEM#55105, BOTTLE VASE S/3 ASST, TOTAL: 100 CTNS, 600 PIECE

23 6. Submit e-booking Submit e-booking with no “Save to Draft” button being selected After all the data have been inputted, click ‘Submit’ to upload the booking data into NYK system to process.

24 6. Submit e-booking b) Submit e-booking with “Save to Draft” button being selected. Retrieve the e-booking draft and release the flag of “Save to Draft” button Then the “Save” button on each PO level is changed to “Submit” button, please press the “Submit” button to send the booking

25 7. Confirmation on e-booking successfully submitted
The following pop-up window will appear after submission of booking information, the submission no. e.g. SAG Or any combination of the submission no. generated by the system will be provided. Click “OK” button to complete the data submission.

26 V. e-Booking – View / Edit / Print / Delete
How to view e-booking status Click “View / Edit Booking” Tab to enter the following interface 6 different booking categories can be viewed: New & Revised: Show new & revised submitted booking but has not been processed by Yusen Logistics Draft: Show the booking draft which has not been submitted to Yusen Logistics yet Approval Required: Show the submitted booking which has been processed by Yusen Logistics but required customer approval Confirmed: Show the submitted booking which has been checked and accepted Deleted: Show the booking which has been cancelled by vendor All: Show all bookings

27 How to view e-booking status
After booking submission / save, the status of the booking will be displayed. Definition of each status: 1) NEW: New submitted booking but has not been processed. 2) NEW & DELETED: New submitted booking is cancelled by user. 3) APPROVED REQUIRED: The submitted booking has been processed by Yusen Logistics but required customer approval. 4) CONFIRMED: Booking is checked and accepted, and the S/O No. can be seen in red colour next to the “CONFIRMED” status. 5) REVISED: Edit/Amendment is done after confirmation. 6) REVISED WITH DELETED: The booking is cancelled by user after confirmation. 7) DRAFT: Only a booking draft which has not been submitted to Yusen Logistics 8) DELETED: The booking is cancelled.

28 2. How to revise the e-Booking
a) Click the “Submission No.” to edit the booking

29 2. How to revise the e-Booking
b) Go to the following interface to recall the submission # 2. How to revise the e-Booking

30 2. How to revise the e-Booking
c) Click the P/O number to make the amendment 2. How to revise the e-Booking

31 2. How to revise the e-Booking
d) User can edit the details in this page and click ‘Submit’ to upload the revised details 2. How to revise the e-Booking DENNIS EAST INTERNATIONAL INC DENNISPORT, WA PO#

32 3. How to print the e-booking
a) Click the printer icon to generate the print format of booking order

33 3. How to print the e-Booking
b) Preview e-Booking & click the “printer” icon here for printing Yusen Logistics DENNIS EAST INT’L LLC 17 SHAD HOLE ROAD, DENISPORT, MA 02639 ATTN: LEMA JAKUPOVIC-MAY TEL: FAX:

34 Yusen Logistics Yusen Logistics
3. How to print the e-Booking For easy identification, different booking status are shown on the e-booking printout “Draft Copy (not yet submitted)” This booking draft has been saved but not yet submitted to YLHK to process. Yusen Logistics b) NYKL Shipping Order Number is blank This booking has been processed by YLHK but it is required to be approved by customer. Yusen Logistics

35 3. How to print the e-Booking
d) YL Shipping Order Number is shown This booking has been processed by YLHK and it is confirmed to accept. Yusen Logistics Important Note: For CFS cargo, Yusen Logistics fax the booking confirmation with cargo delivery date to warehouse.

36 4. View the assigned sailing
The assigned vessel name, departure date, Yusen Logistics SI cutoff date/time can be viewed once the shipment booking is confirmed. Important Notes: - The above info is used for reference only. For CY load, the carrier booking confirmation & SI cut-off date / time will be faxed by Yusen Logistics for final confirmation.

37 Otherwise, shipment will not be loaded on vessel.
VI. Container Load Plan Data Submission (Factory Load Only) After cargo stuffing, vendor must submit Container Load Plan to our company before our SI cut-off. Otherwise, shipment will not be loaded on vessel. In case there are any revisions after SI cut-off, amendment fees will be incurred.

38 1. Click “Create Load Plan” tap to enter the Container Load Plan screen :

39 2. Enter Data into Container Load Plan
a) The following information must be entered into Container Load Plan. Please input the data in the following sequences. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

40 Data Inputting Sequence
1. Container No. 2. Container Size & Type 3. Delivery Date to CY Terminal 4. Seal No. 5. Carrier S/O No.

41 b) Updating actual loading by SKU level
Select PO# or S/O# box and enter the related #. Some data such as PO#, Carton, QTY, Final Destination will be automatically displayed. User needs to key in: PKG (total no. of carton), CBM, KGS, QTY (total no. of quantity). Remark: e-Booking can only be uploaded to the Container Load Plan when the submitted booking is confirmed.

42 c) Other Functions “Remove Item” button can be used to delete the “Unused Item”. “Up” and “Down” buttons are used to adjust the cargo loading sequence in the container. Item loaded close to the container tail should be placed at the bottom of the sequence.

43 d) If user want to SAVE Container Load Plan as a draft, click “Save to Draft” box, then “Submit” button will change to “Save” button When load plan save to draft, the container no. must be inputted. Once the load plan draft is saved, a box will be popped up to remind user the load plan not yet submitted to YLHK as user select the “Save to Draft” tick box.

44 e) Click “Submit” button to send the Container Load Plan to Yusen Logistics
If load plan has already saved as a draft and user intend to submit to NLHK after verification, it is required to un-tick the “Save to Draft” button, then “Save” button will change to “Submit”, then user need to press the “Submit” button to send

45 f) When invalid container number is inputted, an alert will be popped up for double confirmation. If it is the correct container no., click “Yes” for correction, click “No” to skip the alert.

46 VII. Container Load Plan – View / Edit / Print / Delete
1. Click “View / Edit Load Plan” to enter the following interface. Different Container Load Plan categories are provided as below: New & Revised: Show new & revised submitted Container Load Plan but has not been processed by Yusen Logistics Draft: Show Container Load Plan draft which has been saved but not yet submitted Processed: Show the submitted Container Load Plan which has been processed by Yusen Logistics Deleted: Show the Container Load Plan which has been cancelled by user All: Show all Container Load Plan

47 2. Definitions of the Container Load Plan status:
1) NEW: New Container Load Plan is submitted but has not been processed by Yusen Logistics. 2) PROCESSED: Container Load Plan has been checked and accepted by Yusen Logistics. 3) REVISED: Edit/Amendment is done after Container Load Plan processed. 4) REVISED WITH DELETION: When shipper cancels the Container Load Plan after Container Load Plan processed, the status will be displayed as “Revised with Deletion”. 5) DRAFT: Container Load Plan draft which has been saved but not yet submitted to YLHK

48 3. How to edit the Container Load Plan
a) Click the “Container No.” to edit the Container Load Plan

49 3. How to edit the Container Load Plan
b) Enter into the “Create Load Plan” interface and amend the details, then click “Submit” button to upload the revised details

50 4. How to submit the drafted Container Load Plan
a) Click the “Container No.” for drafted container load plan under the folder of “draft”.

51 4. How to submit the drafted Container Load Plan
b) Click “Save to Draft” and key in the additional load plan information, click “Submit” button to send the load plan

52 5. How to print the Container Load Plan
Click the “printer icon” to view / print the Container Load Plan

53 After submission of Container Load Plan & commercial documents, the vendor can check & print the FCR (Draft version) & the debit note for verification.

54 VIII. View Forwarder's Cargo Receipt (FCR) & Debit Notice
a) When the drafted FCR & debit note are ready, FCR no. will be shown as below.

55 Yusen Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited

56 IX. Miscellaneous A. Help Information
IX. Miscellaneous A. Help Information Whenever you have problem or query, - you can try to click ‘HELP’ to get more information; - or contact our local representative for further assistance.

57 C. Password Setting (Administrator only)
1. Administration user click ”User” to change user(s) password(s). C. Password Setting (Administrator only)

58 C. Password Setting (Administrator only)
2. Change User(s) Password(s) and other details Administrator can view & change the name, telephone number, fax number and address of all users including administrator by entering the password (same as Administrator login password). If user wants to amend company details, please kindly contact our local office for further help. C. Password Setting (Administrator only)

59 D. Template Setting (Administrator Only)
1. Enter into “Template” screen Click “Template” at the main screen to enter When the template is created and saved, the content will be shown in future. (Only Administration User has the right to make the amendment.)

60 D. Template Setting (Administrator Only)
2. Add / Edit the Template The Header & Footer of “Marks & Number” field will not be repeated. Means ONLY indicating once. Administration User can edit the body & footer of “Marks & Number” and “Description of Package and Goods”. Template is divided into “Header”, ‘Body” and “Footer”. The content of Body part will be repeated based on the number of PO.

61 D. Template Setting (Administrator Only)
3. The following table lists all variables: e-Booking provides the following variable fields for the “Description of Packages and Goods” columns. The system will base on the previous setting to generate a value. DENNIS EAST

62 D. Template Setting (Administrator Only)
4. The meanings of Symbol The following are the symbols you can add into the template. The symbols will be replaced by the cargo and shipment information of each e-Booking:

63 D. Template Setting (Administrator Only)
5. Store the template Click “Submit” button to store the template. Administration User can timely amend the template. Also, the submitted data will not be affected. DENNIS EAST

64 D. Template Setting (Administrator Only)
6b. Outputs from the Template DENNIS EAST DENNIS EAST BOTTLE VASE S/3 ASST To input the “PO_NO”, ”TTL_CTN”, “SKU_NO” & SKU_DESC” in the body part of the template, the relevant PO#, carton no., SKU# & SKU description will be automatically generated at e-booking when the “Generate” button is pressed. Besides, this field can be customized by adding different system parameter

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