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Creativity Action Service

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1 Creativity Action Service
Introduction to CAS Creativity Action Service

2 What is CAS CAS is an obligatory component of the IB diploma and essential for all students graduate from ISB CAS enables students to develop themselves through experiential learning. The aims of CAS are clearly identified in this short video clip. Fcategory%2Fvideo%2F&feature=player_embedde d

3 Creativity Action Service
Creativity: Arts and other experiences that involve creative thinking Action: Physical exertion on the body contributing to a healthy lifestyle Service: Service Learning - We define service learning as a research-based learning method through which skills are applied through planned action that addresses an authentic community need.

4 Activities ISB and the CAS coordinators provide numerous opportunities for CAS. These can be found on the CAS site, and students receive regular updates. Students can also participate in CAS activities outside the school, for these they MUST have prior approval from the CAS coordinator.

5 How do we know if the activities are CAS valid?
Must be real purposeful activities, which have significant outcomes Must involve personal challenge Must reach at least one of the learning outcomes Must allow for thoughtful reflection

6 Learning outcomes Undertaken new challenges
Planned and initiated activities Worked collaboratively with others Shown perseverance and commitment to activities Engaged with issues of global importance Considered the ethical implications of one’s actions Developed new skills Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth

7 Recording activities CAS-site
can be accessed via BB A central location where students plan, log and reflect on their CAS activities It contains an up-to-date list of all activities All the relevant documents that are needed

8 Reflections How do we know students have reached their goals?
Students need to demonstrate their learning from CAS activities via thoughtful reflections on the CAS site. Reflections must justify how they met the learning outcomes. Reflections: Written journals Blog format Photo/video journals

9 Questions that guide reflections
What they did? How they felt about it? What did they learn from the experience What did you learn from the people they were working with and the people they were trying to help? How will this experience help them plan their future activities?

10 What does this look like at ISB?
Over the 3 years in the high school students must complete +/- 110 Hours +/- 30 HOURS CREATIVITY +/- 30 HOURS ACTION +/- 50 HOURS SERVICE

11 Students in 10th grade 10 hours in CREATIVITY 10 hours in ACTION
Students can earn 10 HOURS in each of the categories so… 10 hours in CREATIVITY 10 hours in ACTION 10 hours in SERVICE

12 Students in 11th grade By the end of 11th grade students should have completed at least 20 hours in creativity and action and 30 hours in service. Should have completed their super- project.

13 The super project Involve teamwork
Integrate two or more of creativity, action and service Be of significant duration (2-3 months in planning and execution). Must have a clear goal Should ideally involve students applying their knowledge to address a global issue  Provide real benefits to people in need

14 Advisory Projects (new this year)
Each advisory group is participating in a year long service learning project. Students chose their projects based on their interests and an identified need. Students researched their chosen area (and documented this research) Students then plan and execute a series of activities that will provide benefits for a community in their chosen area.

15 And 12th grade... Students need to be involved in CAS until they graduate, by March of their 12th grade year they should have completed +/- 30 HOURS CREATIVITY +/- 30 HOURS ACTION +/- 50 HOURS SERVICE You might think: That’s a huge amount! But for example if students do only one season of sports, it gives them at least 100 hours in action!


17 Help 11th and 12th graders are familiar with the program and can help, as can the advisors. CAS coordinator is always available to help and to answer questions. Michelle Brown: (CAS office 1-23)

18 Questions?

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