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Gifts Galore from Father, Son and Holy Spirit

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1 Gifts Galore from Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Natural, People, and Spiritual Gifts to help us be God’s Family.

2 Natural Gifts, Jesus People Gifts, Holy Spirit Gifts

3 Natural Gifts Preaching (Bringing a fresh word from God)
Serving/helping Teaching Encouraging Romans Ch12 v3-8 Leading Giving Working with Disadvantaged (Mercy)

4 Lets put names to the gifts: Who brings a fresh word from God
Lets put names to the gifts: Who brings a fresh word from God? Who serves / helps? Who teaches? Who encourages us? Who offers leadership? Who is always giving? Who shows mercy? Qualification: being born!!! When they become a Christian these gifts become even more effective!!!!

5 Jesus People Gifts Apostle Prophet Evangelist
Pastor Ephesians Ch4 v11- 16 Teacher These are People!

6 Name the Jesus People gifts you have seen?
Apostle (new work) Prophet (new message from God/ or call us to return to Him) Evangelist (presents the Good News about Jesus and seeks response) Pastor (looks to form Jesus in all sheep / disciples) Teacher (Helps people understand and apply God’s ways and direction) He (Jesus) raises up special people and gifts them to ‘equip the Saints’ to show Him to the nations.

7 Holy Spirit Gifts Wisdom Knowledge > Revelation Discernment Healing
Faith > Gifts of Power Miracles 1 Corinthians 12 v 3-8 TM Prophecy Tongues > Inspired Speech Interpretation of Tongues

8 These are like Holy Dynamite!!!!
Given by God to enable us to continue Jesus’ ministry and do the things He did (John 14:12) in Not fleshly gifts (Flesh gives birth to Flesh). Gifts which are available to all Christians as they step out in faith and use them!!

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