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Who governs? To what ends?.

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Presentation on theme: "Who governs? To what ends?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who governs? To what ends?

2 Four theories of governance
Pluralist Power Elite Marxist Bureaucratic

3 Pluralist ‘Government by the People’ operated by competing interest groups Madison wanted to create a political system that would control the impulse of ‘opinion, passion, or interest’ by channeling citizens into relatively small factions focused mainly on material interests.

4 Power Elite C. Wright Mills’ theory that those who occupy top positions in the dominant military, economic and political institutions constitute a ‘power elite’ whose decisions have enormous consequences, not only for the U.S. population but for, ‘the underlying populations of the world.’ Current theorists have replaced ‘military’ with ‘corporations’

5 Marxist Theory Karl Marx’s rejection of the idea that private ownership of property should be used in the production of goods and services Theory doesn’t always mean ‘Marxism’: It means that politics primarily serve economic interests

6 Bureaucratic Theory Max Weber’s theory that bureaucracies offer rational authority coming from a legal order and the laws enacted within it. Bureaucracies, he said, can be identified by six characteristics: Formal hierarchical structure An ‘up-’ or ‘in-’ focused mission Management by rules Purposely impersonal Organization by functional specialty Employment based on technical qualifications

7 To What Ends? Majoritarian Politics: Pleasing the masses
Client Politics: Costs are spread; benefits concentrated Interest Group Politics: One group wins, another loses Entrepreneurial Politics: Getting an issue on the agenda

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