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Introduction to psychological therapies

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1 Introduction to psychological therapies

2 Introduction to psychotherapy
Today’s therapies can be classified into two main categories: Psychotherapy: a trained therapist uses psychological techniques to assist someone seeking to overcome personal difficulties or personal growth. “Talking Therapy” Biomedical therapy: prescribed medications or procedures that act directly on the person’s physiology.

3 Introduction to psychotherapy
Most therapists combine techniques taking what is known as an eclectic approach. Depending on the client’s problems, the therapist may use techniques from the various approaches of psychology. The eclectic approach may also combine psychotherapy with medication.

4 Psychotherapy – “talk therapy”
The most influential psychotherapies: Psychoanalysis Freud’s model Psychodynamic Modern approach to Psychoanalysis Humanistic Sometimes called Existential-Humanistic Behavioral Based on Classical and Operant Conditioning Cognitive Cognitive-behavioral model

5 Psychotherapy – “talk therapy”
The most influential psychotherapies: Psychoanalysis Freud’s model – the first of the psychotherapies Disorders based on unconscious conflicts, urges, or desires Presumes that healthier, less anxious living is possible when people release energy from the id-ego-superego conflicts.

6 Psychotherapy – “talk therapy”
The most influential psychotherapies: Psychoanalysis Use free association or dream interpretation to bring repressed or disowned feelings into conscious awareness Resistance blocks these anxiety-laden feelings from consciousness Exposing these feelings brings insight Few clinicians use this model today

7 Psychotherapy – “talk therapy”
The most influential psychotherapies: Psychodynamic Modern approach to Psychoanalysis Insight oriented – help clients gain perspective into emotionally-laden thoughts and feelings May focus on past hurts and relationships and how they influence current problems Interpersonal therapy is a variation of psychodynamic therapy that doesn’t look at past as much and focuses primarily on helping improve current relationship skills

8 Psychotherapy – “talk therapy”
The most influential psychotherapies: Humanistic Also an insight-oriented therapy in that conscious thoughts are more important than unconscious

9 Psychotherapy – “talk therapy”
The most influential psychotherapies: Humanistic Also an insight-oriented therapy in that conscious thoughts are more important than unconscious Boost people’s self-awareness and self- acceptance and personal growth Carl Rogers developed client-centered therapy, using acceptance, genuineness and empathy to help clients drop facades and express true feelings. Carl Rogers therapy This grace-filled environment provides unconditional positive regard.

10 Frayer vocabulary sheets – due tomorrow
Quiz over module 70 tomorrow Pages


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