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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy 5 Themes Interactions Population DTM Weather

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy 5 Themes Interactions Population DTM Weather
$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 This answers “where is it?” Location

3 1 - $200 This answers the question, “what is it like there” Place

4 1 - $300 This answers the question, “How do people relate to the physical world?” Human-Environment Interaction

5 1 - $400 This answers the question, “How do people, goods and ideas move from one location to another?” Movement

6 1 - $500 This answers the question, “What do places have in common?”

7 2 - $100 How places are changed by interactions with others. Diffusion

8 2 - $200 How many types of diffusion are there? 3

9 2 - $300 The rapid widespread diffusion of a feature or trend throughout the population Contagious-i.e. Tweeting

10 2 - $400 This is the spread of a feature or trend from one key person to others. Hierarchical-i.e. fashion from urban to rural locations

11 2 - $500 Spread of a feature or trend through bodily movement of people from place to place Relocation-i.e. Migration of people

12 3 - $100 The study of human statistics such as births, deaths, income and disease rates. Demography

13 3 - $200 These are death and birth rates among the populations of 1,000 people. Crude death/birth rate

14 3 - $300 This is the number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children under the age of 1 year of age. Infant mortality rate

15 3 - $400 By subtracting the crude birth rate from the crude death rate, this number indicates the population growth rate, but only for births and deaths. It does not take into account immigration. Natural Increase Rate

16 3 - $500 This is the average number of children born to a woman over her lifetime. Total Fertility Rate

17 4 - $100 Demographic Transition Mode.
First experienced by England, this is a generalized description of the changing pattern of mortality, fertility and growth rates as societies move from one demographic regime to another. Demographic Transition Mode.

18 4 - $200 Type question to appear here
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

19 4 - $300 This stage is characterized by high birth rates and fluctuating death rates. Stage 1 High Stationary

20 4 - $400 In this stage, the Birth Rates remain high but the death rates begin to fall. Population begins to increase. State 2, Early Expanding

21 4 - $500 Low death rates and low birth rates characterize this stage as the population becomes stagnant or even begins to decline. Stage 4, Low Stationary

22 5 - $100 This rigid outer part of the Earth’s crust consists of the crust and upper mantle Lithosphere

23 5 - $200 This is the air that surrounds the Earth Atmosphere

24 5 - $300 The thin outer layer of Earth, capable of supporting life.

25 5 - $400 These are areas covered by water, approximately 70% of the Earths surface. Hydrosphere

26 5 - $500 The capacity of certain gases in the atmosphere to trap heat, thereby warming the Earth The Greenhouse Effect

27 Final Jeopardy What is the difference between weather and climate?
Weather is the condition of the atmosphere over a short period of time. Climate is the patterns an area experiences over time.

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