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“Again! Again!”.

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1 “Again! Again!”

2 This is the ‘Exam Monster’. He:
Stops us reading the question carefully; Makes us feel we have to continually write without thinking; Stops us remembering what we do for each question - the different skills being tested; Makes us forget to check the time; Says planning and proofreading are a waste of time! We can stop his wicked ways: Read the question twice – underline key words; Stop and think before each question. Is it langauge, structure, evaluation with methods?; Make a note of the time as you go; Plan and proofread question 5 – or your writing will be pretty rubbish!

3 In your next session, you will see the following slide
In your next session, you will see the following slide. Take a picture now or then. It will be on ‘showmyhomework’. Take a picture of it – and revise what it says. Question 3 is STRUCTURE. We know the question: “How is the text structured to interest the reader”. So THINK before you start writing. STRUCTURE is NOT LANGUAGE! LANGUAGE IS QUESTIONS 2 AND 4 STRUCTURE IS QUESTIONS 3 AND 4 READ THE QUESTION – AND THINK BEFORE WRITING!

4 Foreshadows … Generates a feeling/sense of Establishes … Contrasts with … This is structurally important because … This builds on … This links us back to … We discover that … This creates a sense of … We start to predict that … Encourages us to doubt our previous thoughts that … Creates tension/suspense as … Use these phrases ... At this point, the writer generates … Here, the time shift As we already know that … 1. Read. Make short notes by each paragraph: what is the focus. Note down the structural feature. The source is a journey, encouraging you to link backwards, predict, imagine from the order of the narrative you read AT THAT POINT in the Source. English Language Paper 1, Question 3 Refer to both sources. 8 marks, 15 minutes, 5% 2. Your first paragraph should be an overview of the structure as a whole – how does it start and how does it change/end? This should be about two sentences. You could start with ‘At the beginning …’ then write ‘it then narrows/ zooms …’ Structural features: Start/end, shift in focus (time, place), switch in focus, zooms in (narrowing), zooms out (widening), contrasts, motif, key sentences, external action to internal thoughts or outside to inside. 3. Then move through the paragraphs. Mention the structural features, quote words and phrases. Write down effect of reading these phrases has on the reader’s feelings, predictions, links, thoughts, etc. See green box.

5 Read the extract quickly
Read the extract quickly. Note by the side the focus of the paragraph (ie – what it’s telling us about). Add in the SF/verb you will use such as establishes, generates, foreshadows, links back, builds, develops, leaves us with … Q3 STRUCTURE – the journey of our understanding – 8 marks, 15 mins MAX. Extra time: 18 mins

6 The start/beginning Para 1 - The tunnel seemed to have no end. Bilbo did not know whether it was a pool in the path, or the edge of an underground stream that crossed the passage, or the brink of a deep dark subterranean lake. SF? Person and tense? What do the quotes establish? Where are we? Who is there? What are our thoughts at this point? Atmosphere? Reference to ‘dark’ – atmosphere/predictions for Bilbo? Q3 STRUCTURE – the journey of our understanding – 8 marks, 15 mins MAX. Extra time: 18 mins

7 Next, Para 2 thought, too, of nasty slimy things, He imagines fish who ‘eyes grew bigger and bigger and bigger from trying to see in the blackness’. He imagines, ‘things living unbeknown to them that have sneaked in from outside to lie up in the dark. SF? Generates what? Any links backwards that BUILD or DEVELOP reader’s thoughts on this journey through the text? Q3 STRUCTURE – the journey of our understanding – 8 marks, 15 mins MAX. Extra time: 18 mins

8 Paragraph 3 Deep down here by the dark water lived old Gollum, a small slimy creature. two big round pale eyes in his thin face. he rowed about quite quietly on the lake…but never a ripple did he make. pale lamp-like eyes He ‘grabbed’ and ‘throttled as quick as thinking’ anything that came there. Q3 STRUCTURE – the journey of our understanding – 8 marks, 15 mins MAX. Extra time: 18 mins

9 Next .. Paragraph 4 Gollum was watching Bilbo now from the distance with his pale eyes like telescopes. Short para – effect? SFs? Predictions –read forward? Link back? Q3 STRUCTURE – the journey of our understanding – 8 marks, 15 mins MAX. Extra time: 18 mins

10 Next – short para Gollum got into his boat and shot off while Bilbo was sitting on the brink altogether flummoxed. SF? Read backwards – we already know? Read forwards considering this? Q3 STRUCTURE – the journey of our understanding – 8 marks, 15 mins MAX. Extra time: 18 mins

11 Ending … Suddenly up came Gollum and whispered and hissed: ‘Bless us and splash us, my preciousss! I guess it’s a choice feast; at least a tasty morsel it’d make us, Gollum!’ SF? Read backwards? Left with what? Questions? Fears? What about? Q3 STRUCTURE – the journey of our understanding – 8 marks, 15 mins MAX. Extra time: 18 mins

12 Level 6+ students Remember – you start with an overview of the WHOLE. The source is divided into two parts: what are they? What/WHO links the two parts? What does it develop/build? Q3 STRUCTURE – the journey of our understanding – 8 marks, 15 mins MAX. Extra time: 18 mins

13 EG The source is divided into two parts: the focus on Bilbo in the darkness and unable to see or know where he is; and the focus on Gollum and his predatory nature – and his ability to see. There is a growing/developing sense of danger for Bilbo with a sense of building foreboding.

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